In 2015 (and the second half of 2014) I played too many gigs to really concentrate on writing new music, which is bizarre, since I used to complain a lot about not playing live enough. That said, some gigs in Japan helped me to build up a nice set of patterns in nanoloop which ended up becoming my latest album nanodisco.

I attempted to create a new micro-genre of music called DETHWAVE—based on slowed down death metal samples/loops, lo-fi synths and a DOOM II visual aesthetic—and was largely unsuccessful, however semi-well-known vaporwave artist NMESH was inspired by it and ended up releasing some music under the name ZONE EATER; we also collaborated on a track.

I also arranged a version of Steve Reich's Piano Phase for two copies of nanoloop, and somehow it managed to get quite a few youtube views.. and it was even performed live without my involvement, which was pretty surreal.

In November I started planning the audio/visual design style of a new project called, with a focus on creating minimalist industrial/IDM tracks using (mostly) digital hardware. I'll probably hold off on playing live shows while I develop this style a bit more (unless they're particularly amazing shows big_smile ).

Huh, I guess I did do a few things after all!


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Anyone ever used Buzz? It was my tracker of choice for 10 years; I only gave it up when I bought Renoise and started playing around with more Amiga-style sounds. It's a great tracker for experimental music though, with its semi-modular layout and independent patterns per machine. I kinda miss it sometimes!

Devieus wrote:

I'm not going to touch a single note, none, instead I wrote/am writing a proc-gen music generator to get closer to music theory. I have 0 control over the outcome, but aim to change parameters every week so I do actually work on my songs.

ooh, I'm pretty interested in hearing this!

2016 for me will be mostly trying to get the most out of the new gear I bought this year (4x gameboys, monomachine, kp3, jv1010, korg M01D). Also, I have a new project more geared towards live pattern manipulation, so it'll be a good way to build up some patterns that I can work with.

Also, I'll be loosely attempting to write another prog masterpiece album, so there may be some demos of sections that will appear in the album, who knows.

Failing that, I can always just chuck some weekly nanoloop sketches online; it's my favourite thing for quick track development.

Pixeltune wrote:

yeah im out. 20 weeks is pretty good anyway. but writing these half-assed tracks is devouring all my good ideas and it's not good

Yeah, this. It was a good exercise in writing/recording quickly, but I'm afraid I'll have to retreat in order to concentrate on writing a prog rock album (a process which will likely take months per song, rather than days), and rehearse/write for the four bands I currently play in tongue

Nice! Interesting about the reverb pre-delay. I never use pre-delay because it sounds weird most of the time but I'm working on a remix of a song that has really 70s style disco strings and I might have to try it on them!


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Breakmagos wrote:
Pselodux wrote:

Hah, awesome. Well, the piece I'm working on is a Reich-esque experiment in phasing, but using a very monotonous source sample.

Kind of what I was thinking of doing. But with little bursts of static to represent Cosmic Background Radio Waves. Knowing me though I'll start with that but end up swamping it with distortion and amp simulators and putting a beat behind it. big_smile

Nice. Mine started as phasing using an accidentally recorded sample of a mouse click, but is now some weird approximation of Karplus-Strong synthesis that actually sounds more like FM. Kinda sounds like a malfunctioning Sega Genesis or something. Managed to cut it down to an hour, in four 'movements'. I think I might have to just upload an excerpt and put a whole 'album' on bandcamp.


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Pselodux wrote:

Hah, awesome. Well, the piece I'm working on is a Reich-esque experiment in phasing, but using a very monotonous source sample.

.. and damnit. No matter what I do, I can't seem to be able to cut it down from its current length of three hours and eight minutes.


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hah, awesome. Well, the piece I'm working on is a Reich-esque experiment in phasing, but using a very monotonous source sample.


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm gonna do minimalism (maybe space minimalism if that's the decided theme)

on that note, how minimal can I go before it is considered a 'joke' or 'throwaway' track?

sweet potatoes


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I didn't have much time this week so I just hammered out a quick acoustic drone track. I still have plenty of ideas though!

hooray! Some djenty screamo stuff:

Yeah, it's pretty nice to work with. I've been pretty lazy over the last few years with writing everything in 4/4, so this was a nice challenge. I'm usually of the belief that odd time signatures should only be used when absolutely necessary for the rhythm/flow of the piece, but I'd still love to do some crazy 13/8 super prog stuff (cf. the keyboard solo of 'Robbery, Assault & Battery by Genesis).

preciouskindred wrote:

most times, i feel incapable of making music that is "about" anything, and just shoot for whatever sounds good to my ears. makes me feel like a bit of a hack.

There's nothing wrong with this, imo. Music for me is 100% about sonic pleasure, rather than having some kind of message or meaning. I guess that's the reason why my lyrics rarely mean anything, and are either wordplay or utter nonsense that I just wrote because the syllables sound good against the music, haha.

I've had several heated arguments with people on another forum about odd numbers on the bottom of a time signature. Haha, not gonna get into similar arguments here!

For my track, I've gone for something kinda djenty. I haven't done the vocals yet, but the rhythm is mostly in 5/4 with an occasional beat or half-beat added/subtracted. It's slow enough though that it still kinda sounds like 4/4 sometimes, gah!