Adelaide, South Australia

6 weeks in and I'm feeling pretty good with everything.  I think I'm well on track for beating my previous 2012 *best* of seven weeks. wink

But I really feel I need to catch up and listen/comment on the previous week's submissions as I've only really scratched the surface each week and I know there's some wonderful stuff being shared on here.

Huntington Beach, CA

This has been great for me. Actually using and learning how to play my seven string.   Luckily I work from home, so I just leave the weeks tracks playing in the background.

I joined week three, but I wrote three songs for the band in the first two weeks of January, so I'm on track for 52 this year in my mind.

rochester ny

six weeks in, still going strong. love listening to all the other beats at work.

St Louis

it has been a great incentive to finish up some projects as well as try new things. very glad i hopped on board again, cant wait til 6pm!

Santa Fe, NM
george bowles wrote:

it has been a great incentive to finish up some projects as well as try new things. very glad i hopped on board again, cant wait til 6pm!

Yeah, there's nothing like a real audience to motivate you.

You are real, aren't you?


I didn't have much time this week so I just hammered out a quick acoustic drone track. I still have plenty of ideas though!

Melbourne, Australia

I was one of the people who did all 52 in 2012. But my quality is much improved this time, particularly with electronic tools. My aesthetic has changed somewhat too.

Congratulations to all, thus far!

I'm actually having the problem of holding back at the moment, due to an overarching desire to do some related works. I could have done two weeks in one go last week, but didn't. Luckily for me I'm working on an academic report at the moment, so not doing much "work related" creative stuff (other than WB).


I fell flat on my face after the 1st 2 weeks but I'm blaming the appalling weather we've had recently. Thankfully it pulled its head in this weekend so yay, I am back on track with an excellent entry this week! (with special guest pselodux on ze drumz)

St Louis

I ain't no bot

Washington DC

I'm glad I signed up for this, because being in the "real world" has done a serious number on my musical aspirations. Challenging myself to write something new every week, and having a community of people to share it with has been incredibly rewarding, and personally satisfying, and it's pushing me to try harder to get my music out there in the world.

This has been a great opportunity for me to finish the literally hundreds of 10-second ideas I never did anything with over the last however many years, but I kind of want to not rely on that and get out of my comfort zone more often for this thing.

Like 3 or so weeks ago I got my first mics, and I've been dying to record some electric guitar and do a kind of Queens of the Stone Age / Eagles of Death Metal kind of thing, but every day I get home from work and I'm just like "ugghhhh no i'm gonna play borderlands 2 until midnight."

I swear I'm going to get around to listening to more tracks this week. I've been pretty awful about that, and I don't wanna be that guy.

Melbourne, Aus

I flunked WB in 2012 but I completed the weeklybeats spinoff '12Eps' (an EP each month) in 2013. I did a mix of stuff but started experimenting more with double bass.

I'm kind of using wb as an 'experimental arena' to keep testing out looping/double bass compositions and see what I can come up with. I'll probably re-record my best tracks from WB and make an album out of them and create a live set to start up my own solo music act.
Also, listening to the huge array of tracks from other artists is awesome, the community here is brilliant. :D


i feel like i'll give up at some stage.

but i say that about everything all of the time.


This year have been crazy. 6 tracks in six weeks is great. I have never done so many tracks even in one year. Only bad thing is that my DL time is 2am sunday night. Last night i uploaded track after 1am and then wake up for work at 7am. It's gonna be sleepless year. I'm a bit too ambitious with my tracks. If i continue to spend this much time every week for the rest of the year i probably get divorced hmm

Maybe i should get into drone music so i could do weekly tracks in hour or so by just droning synths with fx.

Adelaide, South Australia

Maybe i should get into drone music so i could do weekly tracks in hour or so by just droning synths with fx.

That's the trick! wink

rochester ny
Tristan Louth-Robins wrote:

Maybe i should get into drone music so i could do weekly tracks in hour or so by just droning synths with fx.

That's the trick! wink

this and ipad-only jams are my contingency plan for weeks where too much life is occurring.

Edmonton, Canada
preciouskindred wrote:
Tristan Louth-Robins wrote:

That's the trick! wink

this and ipad-only jams are my contingency plan for weeks where too much life is occurring.

Going to need to adopt this strategy. Life got in the way this week so no beats. Much sadness.