Adelaide, South Australia

With disappointment I’m announcing that next week’s WB submission will be my last for this year. This is primarily due to the fact that I feel like I need to stop making work for a while and take stock of my situation. Coming into 2014, things were looking pretty good and much quieter than the preceding years which were filled with lots of (frankly, too many) projects – which, whilst being hugely rewarding at times - presented an enormous strain on my mental health and each year tended to end with a tumultuous burn out. I’m in a similar situation at present, and whereas distractions and routine would normally keep the allegorical Black Dog at bay, it’s not working out so much on the creative end of things. This year’s WB has been a fantastic experience for me and I’m very pleased with a majority of the tracks I’ve presented over the 20 odd weeks; with some of this material pointing out some future directions. I’m enjoyed immensely the supportive community here and all of the feedback that has been offered on my work has been greatly appreciated. I’ve done my best to listen to as much work by others here as well and enjoyed a great deal of it. I’ll check back in from time to time as the rest of you strive for the magic number of 52. Now I’ll have a lie down.

Peas and love,


Melbourne, Australia

Keep in touch, TLR. And all the very best.


The Black Dog was what caused me to eventually bow out in 2012, so I fully sympathise with your situation... Best of luck with everything.


Black Dog prominent here and I totally understand the added stress of a song every week. You have to tend to yourself first and foremost. We'll all be here if you get things stabilized and feel like contributing again. 52 is just a number. Every song is growth.

Melbourne, Australia

What's the Black Dog?

Coastal Australia

Bummer.  Catch up soon TLR.

Techmonkey wrote:

...52 is just a number. Every song is growth.


Aint nobody got time for music they aint got time for! Then it's just work. ...and everybody knows work is hazardous to your creativity and sometimes your health. People who burn out usually do it from passion, hard work. Full throttle until something breaks! Nothing wrong about that. Be well TLR. WB's will be here whenever you're ready again.

St Louis

if you change your mind you can still submit stuff, or just post some links to your future work here! I also am confused about the black dog, vinpous...


Black dog is a metaphor for depression.

Melbourne, Australia
Techmonkey wrote:

Black dog is a metaphor for depression.

Ah, thanks.

That sucks TLR, and others who have the same.

Phoenix, AZ

yeah im out. 20 weeks is pretty good anyway. but writing these half-assed tracks is devouring all my good ideas and it's not good

Riverside, CA
Techmonkey wrote:

Black dog is a metaphor for depression.

Then I've had a whole pack of black dogs after me all year, especially since week 17 -_-
but I'll save that for the #weeklybeatsdepressionsupportgroup channel.

Best of wishes TLR.


I have been thinking the same. 20 weeks have been great so far.

Track that i uploaded last night for week 21 was deleted/not approved, so my weekly's ended to that. No point to continue when one slot is empty. Not a bad thing as i have had trouble to find time and spending every sunday evening for weeklies have not made my family too happy wink


What Dastein said... Ditto.

Best of luck with getting your head straight TLR.  I can totally understand where you're coming from (finishing my first year of law school and the pressures on time, energy, and psyche are overwhelming).  I hope that the break from WB makes things easier.  I've missed the deadline during the last few weeks and sometimes have a love/hate relationship with the project...  I can totally understand stepping away.

That said, this community is a great one that I'm really happy to have stumbled upon.  You should keep coming back for listens, feedback, and to post up anything that you create while trying to keep the darkness at bay.  We're listening...

Oslo, Norway

I have really enjoyed your music so far this year, and I wish you all the very best.

If you feel like joining us again later in the year you will be most welcome, but your health is way more important than this project.

Pixeltune wrote:

yeah im out. 20 weeks is pretty good anyway. but writing these half-assed tracks is devouring all my good ideas and it's not good

Yeah, this. It was a good exercise in writing/recording quickly, but I'm afraid I'll have to retreat in order to concentrate on writing a prog rock album (a process which will likely take months per song, rather than days), and rehearse/write for the four bands I currently play in tongue