preciouskindred wrote:who cares if it's "good"? that's subjective! if you're having fun doing the challenge, i'd keep doing it. i know there will be weeks (this week certainly included) where i am not proud of my output. but i did it anyway, and i feel personal pride.
hope you choose to keep up with it!
I agree with @preciouskindred, sometimes 'music' just doesn't flow though me as much as I would like and I struggle to find an idea that translates -- but I still want to mess around with synths or odd-FX-chains or whatever (my tiny apartment's surrounded by hardware! I can't waste it - life gets stupid busy)
Some weeks might not be as great a tune but from a personal stand point it's proven to my self that I pulled though (Tho, I've pulled a few last minute tracks already (or worse, throw away tracks!) -- and it's a habit I need to break)
Weeklybeats has helped me reflect the following
- Where I stand technically
- What I'm capable of
- What I'm potentially capable of.
- Try and break though some personal barriers
>> It's also a good way to kind of give your self an indication of what you were sounding like at that time. /an epoch/timecapsule!!/
I've probably only generated 5 or 6 'tracks' i'm _proud_ of, the rest are definitely nothing special.
I'm looking forward to seeing where it leads with so many weeks to go this year.
As a personal rule I'll upload anything i deem 'good' onto my soundcloud.
But I generally use weeklybeats to gauge my self. sometimes it get's a comment too
(of which I thank you all -- I intend to comment more on everyone else's tracks a bit more too - probably need to stop listening to death metal and watching the same episodes of star trek and listen to more weeklybeats :\ )
Hope @phesago that you find the inspiration to pull though and you can get what you can out of it if you want to keep going - Your tracks so far have a cool texture to them -- and the glitchy-synthy-hip-hop-hop fx-chaining etc is cool in it's self.
Is time truly our enemy?? - Can we make friends with time?