(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Did all 52 weeks last time around, let's see if it can happen again...


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've been trying to do the "RPM Challenge" this month to record an album, so it's cut into my listening time, plus I crashed my motorbike and broke a rib. I'll be doing more commenting from March on out, though, for sure.

I was late to the party and only had two days to do my Week 2 track... here's to more in the future!

I missed out on the first week for not paying attention, going to try to give the rest of the year a go -- with the following:
Laptop: Asus ROG quad core i7 16GB RAM, (2) 1TB SSDs, 17" screen. Windows 10.
DAW: FLStudio 20. I have Ableton 9 but I've not really taken to the workflow...
Controllers: Irijule Theoryboard, Novation Launchpad
Interface: Focusrite Clarett 8pre Thunderbolt 18x20
Hardware Synths: Ensoniq ASR-10 Sampler, Nord Lead 2, Alesis QSR rack synth
Gibson SG guitar, Dean bass, Moog Theremin, Audio Technica mic
Komplete 9 Ultimate - so tons of VSTs and plugins there.
I also have an iPad Pro that runs Korg Gadget, which I may use on some tracks.


(92 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm down for a track if you'll have me...

Something I've been doing since 2006:


The website is a little clunky, but it's a great community of musicians of all sorts trying to record a full album during the month of February.


(92 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I did weeklybeats this year with a 'new name' because I wasn't sure what I'd do and how it would turn out.

Here's where to find me and my other projects online:



(92 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I really had a lot of fun doing this, even if I fell off the face of the earth over the last two months, I think this might be my 2nd entry in that amount of time -- even worse, I basically threw this together with an hour to go before the deadline because I felt like I couldn't let 52 get away from me when I'd had so much fun doing the tracks I *did* finish on time - it was a great experience and I've heard some really great music here all year.

Trauma From Watching Bloodshed could be a song... or a band name. Hm.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sadly, as I look back on this year so far, I've written a song for weeklybeats every week, but have done little else in the musical realm. WB took over my brain, and I've kept myself busy with those weird yard projects and non-computer related activities. Now that the weather's turning, I think I'll find myself indoors more. I've been trying to learn guitar this year and only once has guitar appeared on one of my tracks. As we come in to the 'home stretch,' I'm hoping that changes a bit... (and that I get better with the guitar)

I missed a week due to a hangover a while back. So ashamed, I was doing so well...

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

It varies, but often times lately it's ended up being a few hours on Saturday or Sunday, usually super early in the morning with my iPad and headphones on... I need to get back to using my full setup to make tracks, as I've been ridiculously dependent on Korg Gadget for my WeeklyBeats lately, and I have a pretty awesome collection of stuff to use in my full blown studio area that isn't being used. Life and all that stuff keep getting in the way.

I did a last minute one today, myself. it's not complex, but I'm happy with the overall vibe. I had a busy week and threw a pretty well attended social event in my back yard last night, so this morning's track was the hangover recovery period. life will slow down now, finally, and I'll be able to spend more time on music.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I noticed the themes dropped off rapidly. These were, in my opinion, pretty cool motivators, because the themes would often get me to step out of my usual routine to do something different.

We should probably start Themes threads on Sundays, so that by Monday/Tuesday, some have at least been discussed. I think it might help with people who are struggling to come up with something on some weeks.



(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

a drum-free track would be an interesting direction to take, for sure..