I might randomly generate a time signature by rolling two D20's (20 sided dice). big_smile

Looks like no 4/4 is a pretty resounding winner here. big_smile

Edmund Snyder wrote:

No 4/4 sounds interesting. For a future week maybe tempo and/time signature changes in a song.

Great idea here too. Got my brain racing with ideas now. big_smile

No 4/4. big_smile

Definitely a vote for midi for me.  And Pselodux feel free to share. I proper struggle with melodies sometimes. big_smile

yan_g wrote:

We can pick from there: http://freemusicarchive.org/curator/WFM … ic_Contest

Cheers for this dude. Might be a good go-to on inspirationally dry weeks. big_smile


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Salmon Of Doubt by Douglas Adams. My mum bought me a set of all the Hitchhikers Guide, Dirk Gently and Salmon Of Doubt for christmas. Didn't know I'd already read them all except for the Salmon Of Doubt, bless 'er. Before that I was about halfway through a Lovecraft anthology that I'll pick up agai when I'm done with Doug.

Since new years been playing L-Event by Autechre a hell of a lot.
Also Jah Bit Invasion by Disrupt has been on a lot recently and new Pixies material.

Out of curiosity do all the tracks go up at exactly the same time? I had loads of trouble finding mine on the week 1 filter for about 3 or 4 hours but then I was suddenly able to find it. Just wondering.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dwight Davis wrote:

I actually think this is a good goal. Ensuring at least one comment on each song will not only keep us involved, but help newcomers stay interested. It really helps when you know that somebody is listening to your music.

Absolutely. My heart leapt after a couple of days with nothing and then I suddenly had a comment. big_smile

Also I've heard some amazing music here today. Should've been working on this weeks entry but this is so addictive.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

studiobeta wrote:

My goal is to force myself to finish tracks.
I want silence my inner critic, just for a while so I can get out of a bad period of writers block.
Good luck to all and here's to a great, productive, creative 2014!!

Yeah I'm terrible for not finishing tracks these days. Think I finished 3-5 tracks in all of 2013. I work well under deadlines so this should give me a much needed kick in the backside. big_smile


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Pleased to be here. Found out about it around November 2012 but thought it was a little late to get involved. Planned to start it in 2013 but it never continued unfortunately. Now I'm on it. big_smile