Ran into some issues today... Can I get a link pwetty please?

Start and finish my track Sunday morning master race

The house I'm recording at has shitty internet. Can I have a link please? hmm

Lots of traffic today, can I get a link please? wink


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Updated :3

Techmonkey wrote:

Black dog is a metaphor for depression.

Then I've had a whole pack of black dogs after me all year, especially since week 17 -_-
but I'll save that for the #weeklybeatsdepressionsupportgroup channel.

Best of wishes TLR.

Already told you what had happened, can I get one of them upload links bb? wink


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Updated for the last two weeks.


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Added 13, 14, and 15.
I checked and my copy of your script doesn't filter out 'all rights reserved' songs, I'll have to fix that later.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I went on a week or two long trip to Texas for Thanksgiving day in 2012 while doing WB.
My DS and netbook were my best friends. Wrote and recorded my song all while in the car smile


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

FIXED! big_smile I finally got the script working. I checked several artists on the list and it looks accurate...

Team WB is at 107!


(1 replies, posted in Site Help)

Would it be possible to have an option to list all songs in search, rather than have pages?
A "View All" of some sort?


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

edit: lol


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah, I just noticed it maxes the total number of artists in a week at 200 for some reason. That's probably what's fucking it up.

Devieus wrote:

Ruby, I'd like to see that.



(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Devieus wrote:
jiffypop23 wrote:

Week 13 is up.

That doesn't sound right, I think you forgot to remove the copyrighted stuff.

On top of that, iamdanielgreen hasn't uploaded his song and is waiting on facebook for a link.

I did. Do you have an updated version of your Python script that filters them out?
I figured Tuesday night was late enough for any stragglers.


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So I think I got the ruby scripts working (kinda).
I'm not sure if these numbers are right, I hope they're not ;_;
By a show of hands, who has uploaded every week so far? Hopefully it's more than just 6...