I've always loved Meowsynth. It can be a really cool bass synth if you use it in the lower octaves + distortion, kinda 303-ish :3


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I ended up doing something cooler for this week, but I have plenty of black metal songs planned for the year :3

In case you have a writer's block week, just layer all the CC BY-NC-SA songs on top of each other and release that :3


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Devieus wrote:

You probably don't want to put it in dropbox, unless you got an enterprise account. The first two weeks combined are about 4gigs.

I would only put the last week's one on Dropbox.
Although I think Mega would be the better option.

How about a zip file with a png/jpg of the staff notation and a midi file? That should be good enough for anyone's uses.

Pselodux wrote:

Cool, I'll dig into the archives this weekend!

I pass the torch to you~
I'm never confident in my melody writing skills anyway smile


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Devieus wrote:

Any updates?

Quick rundown of my situation:
My server's at my girlfriend's house since her Internet is much better than mine.
Not sure why, but the server shuts itself off after a couple minutes. My guess is clogged vents/heatsink/fans/etc.
Cleaning it out should fix it and be very easy but I've been busy school/weebee this week.
My girlfriend is having a birthday party on Saturday so I have to help out with that.
If I'm not too hungover, I will have all Sunday to work on my server (I also want to replace Debian with FreeBSD, which I've been wanting to do for months)
I'll be back in the torrent making business for sure next week.

What I've been thinking about recently is how bad seeding on my end is. My girlfriend's Internet is good for the area, but seeding a large file to someone somewhere else in the world takes forever. In 2012 hardly anybody seeded, but I have an idea to fix that...
Every week I'll post the md5sum of that week's zip file so people can generate their own with the script and seed that way. I can also put the last week's zip file on Dropbox so people can download it faster. Sure you can grab the Dropbox one/generate your own and be done, but it'd be nice if I had help seeding past weeks' archives smile
tl;dr: SEED PLS

Dwight Davis wrote:
Dwight Davis wrote:

Sure, as long as nobody else wants to do it

Just to clarify, I definitely don't have time for this. So, just disregard this previous statement by me.

That's fine. I'll whip something up for us by tomorrow smile


(9 replies, posted in Site Help)

trash80 wrote:

- Fixed some firefox css issues

The buttons are circles now! Woo!


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I plan on doing the torrents again this year but my server's been pretty moody lately sad. I plan on getting around to fixing it soon though. (also for graphs!)

Want to post your python script? It's probably better than that crappy bash script I threw together smile

Once my server's back up I'll set a cron job for the script like I did in 2012 so we'll have an automatically generated torrent file ~1 hour after the songs go up.

Dwight Davis wrote:

I figured we could just post the basic tune by itself onto Soundcloud

I was imagining it being a MIDI file or sheet music or something. I hate having to ear out notes hmm


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

george bowles wrote:

can we make a new piece out of samples generated from an old piece?

I don't see why not. The big things to keep an eye out for are 1) copyright. If it's your own tune then you're fine, and 2) it can stand as its own song (over 1 min, not a WIP, etc)

can we turn in a remix of your piece as a wb entry?

The song he linked is CC BY-NC-SA, so as long as you credit him, don't use it commercially, and release your derivative under the same license, you can.

Pocaille wrote:

if anyone want to do the same, I would love to remix some songs too.

I have the source/stems to a lot of my songs available!
http://thesilphscope.bandcamp.com/album … beats-2012
(^tracks 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 15, 17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 35, and maybe some others that I may have missed...)
(might be better to wait til december for this one lol)


(110 replies, posted in Site Help)

WeeklyBeats wrote:

Starting on Monday Dec 30th 2014

Shouldn't this be 2013?

Dwight Davis wrote:

Who's going to write the shared melody?

You formulated the idea, you wanna give it a shot? smile

+1 shared melody


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

House of Leaves & the second Haruhi book

That'd be a good suggestion for the weekly theme thread. Have a set group of lyrics that everyone can use in different ways smile