Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by infradead
Topics by infradead
Posts found: 97-112 of 123
skull with assblaster. skull normally lives on my monintors. everything in the toolbox was moved to the boat pictured below because i outgrew it.

sequencing boat. its filled with modules for sequencing and modulation

the case has some lfo's, oscillators, filters, and envelope generators.

mattnida wrote:e.s.c.'s setup made me feel pretty lustful at the Hexawe gig last summer, and the photo above does nothing to change this.
Here's my current setup:
KP3, TQ5, 707 on the top row.
Renoise on a MacBook Air in the middle.
4 track (which I only bought last Friday, unused so far!), Monotron and ESI audio interface below.
Out of sight: iOS apps on both phone and iPad, piggy, and a big controller keyboard!
TQ5's have such awesome lines 
but porn everywhere!! amirite?
damn i hope you find a dot matrix printer.
Sphax wrote:Yes but that's not the point!
if I used THOSE samples it's because there was a reason, not because it was of good quality (or as you said to choose it because it was free), but because there was a meaning of why I used them, because even if it's taken from a masterpiece (which is only available from the business industry) it's also a part of me (I think), as it is what I am and what I like and that's why I want to share it and rework it!!
I guess the only solution is to use it, but change it so hardly that nobody except me can recognize it, and that's what most electronic artist does (well not all of them
the point is follow the rules maybe?
its not like they have a ton of them and its not like they are all that hard.
I used my modular to make squeaky bug noises. Pretty much just noodling on the modular. I liked how it ended out but I still am trying to make something more rhythmic based
More people are playing!!!
got a some new modules and mad noise. for 2 minutes and 32 seconds.
that is all.
all my comments have come from my mom*
i've been so busy with work stuff this week the only stuff i've listened to are songs that were recommended by other people on IRC.
i feel guilty about it but can't really do anything about it..
i've had a pair of HD280's that i've been using for around 10 years now
love em to death. they held up to countless DJ gigs and they seem to be holding up well to my toddler playing with them :0
had all kinds of shit go down this week. mostly concerning a snow storm followed by an ice storm and all the joys of home ownership ( oh shit is that my tree in your yard? )
so i just pumped out a quick noodle on my modular with a patch i'd been playing with for a few days..
i'm not terribly stoked by it but its not that bad..
Can't wait to hear it MM!
We've had a big ice storm here so i've been to busy to even turn anything on. So I just did a quick jam on the modular and recorded it. I'm pretty happy with how it ended up
i do my side and then make a score or it.
score may be a bunch of circles, words with time notation( 0:00trees 3:00ocean 5:45 bat shit crazy) or whatever. i send the score to you. you do your part of the track from that. then we edit them together.
either one can go first to make the score. but neither can hear the others music until the editing stage.
i use reaper and audiomulch
most likely won't be very musical but should be interesting.
so i'm not going to get in trouble if i don't turn on my gameboy for a few months?
i am rather otherwise but you still have a lot of bleeps and boops 
Posts found: 97-112 of 123