I knew that cricket-core track would be the end of him!
WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by cTrix
I knew that cricket-core track would be the end of him!
^^^ Alistair - THAT IS AMAZING AMAZING right there! You can just hear the vibe of the session jumping out of the speakers. Hell yeah.
This one is actually one of my personal fav bits of guitar - apart from the Vai wank factor (which I personally take a huge amount of inspiration from) - this is a beautiful and very un-obvious solo with some insanely clever modal and chordal transitions. This guy and virt probably my two hugest influences.
ps. Stop it when he starts singing - it pretty much goes down hill at that point. (apologies for it not being an embedded clip)
Is this the day the world ends? RAPTURE SONGS
Blip Melbourne '12. All of it. COnstantly! (= mastering and editing videos)
Blip Festival Melbourne :-] (rewatched Trash80, Nullsleep and Patric C on DVD tonight too)
specifically to seperate out my music and photography work machine from my gaming and internet faffery laptop...
I've been doing this for 11 years now - HUGE recommendation for everyone if you can afford it. I keep mine off the internet too and run a dedicated RAID box for it. So so win. You can totally minimise all drivers, etc. If you have a few extra bucks get it from a specialist DAW builder - they will acoustically treat the box and optimise the crap out of the OS for you.
Welcome to being "serious" about your systems! Just wait until you get a "spider" and start callibrating your monitors to be right. Make SURE you get an IPS panel on your monitor... it's ashame we are still 3 years from OLED.
track this week was made with a Rockit 8bit :-)
I got several Error 403's on upload... any ideas? (6:32am)
Soul in the Hole by Shawn Lee (comp LP), The KLF, Hendrix, The Bamboo's, and tons of Nonfinate because I'm mixing his new EP / album. (!!)
My field recordings were done with the Zoom H2. Unfortunately I've been unable to find one to call my own for less than $200
I ended up getting this thing called a Yamaha Pocketrak a few years back and it's been a godsend. Such a rad little unit - and way smaller than H2. I just leave it in my pocket for entire nights out and it has a little USB plug that flips out - no cables required. Don't know how the sound compares to the zoom but it fares well with high SPL, you can just face it one way and do a mono recording fine. I've also had it on a table between two glossy books angled forwards and managed to get an almost binaural recording out of it :-)
Lazerbeat: I've never understood why countries allowed earthing to slip by - esp Japan of all places. UK and Australia are hardcore as you'd know. I have to get all my PA / AV gear tested and tagged for correct earthing once a year. Some venues won't allow it though the door without!
any noise suppression tips or ways to make a room a better place to record when you are flat broke?
What kind of mic are you using? I find that you can just experiment in a room - there are no rules. My recording this week was just in the lounge room with my mic stacked on some books. I had a couple of dunas stacked behind the mic - and just got the mic placed right. Moved around a few times. It was only a cheap USB Podcast mic too - needed eq'ing though.
Is the banner used for this site, I don't think they'd have a problem with you using it.
High Resolution version?
Hoooooly shiiit. Totally forgot about making a tune earlier tonight. Mine is 1 minute! :-P
@ctrix yeah. what's the deal. why does andrew ride your nuts so hard?
Hahaha. I'm totes fine with Andrew - I'll be be the first one smiling at a "no comment" review if I throw together something hap-hazard. I simply have a personal quality-control alarm that I have to let go of. There is no reason I can't hit rec on an improv piano solo and be done in 30 mins. I'm just a little worried about making what I consider low quality tracks for public release.
I don't know if I can continue doing WB for too much longer. I just have too high an expectation of my music to get something done if I've had a busy week. I don't actually have the ability (other than improv on a piano) to get a tune done quickly. It's starting to eat into my personal life, and most certainly eating my "get the release finished" time... so I might pull it back to a monthly thing and make that my challenge. Tune a week = too much. That said, if I can still enjoy it, and find a way to do some quick / fast tunes without staying up all night on the Sunday and sleeping though meetings the next day, then I'll keep going. The second it becomes a major stress or cause problems it'll be Monthly Melodies for me. :-P Maybe I can just do short one minute jams on a DMG or something... we'll see.
wwwooooooo!! and just managed to download LAME encoder so I can actually encode to MP3 ;-) WIsh me luck peeps. SOmeone just rocked up with a guitar too. Might have psytrance banging in the background,,, although can probably record in the car
hey all! Talking of camping - I'm at a music festival about 200km away on a GSM 9.6kbps connection. I bought a new laptop (netbook) especially so I could keep doing weekly beats while I'm here... brought USB mics, inverter for car, etc. I'm realllllly hoping I'll be able to upload a tune. It will probably be at 32kbps as it seems to konk out after about 500kb of upload. Cheers all!!