Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year.
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I'm adding another vote to request adding an option to remove the Download button.
About 10 mins before reading this I actually downloaded your 240107 tune. (just coincidental!) My studio machine is offline; so download is how I listen on proper speakers via my main DAC. (track is amazing btw) But I can understand the request - and to be fair, there are tunes I'd have disabled DL for on in the past!
Monthlybeats for me! If I average 1 a month by end of year that's juuuust fine. I did the whole challenge in 2012... it nearly killed me (lol). Things to do:
- More OPL3 (and playing on hardware - just got a PCI SB16 for old computer again!) - Make use of Dave Smith synth I bought last year and have only turned on about 3 times (too busy) - More guitar looping jams - Some more vocal stuff (maybe, it's a bit time consuming)
Honestly, I've got so many projects on backburner atm I'm not sure I'm gonner have time to even monthly beat. But will try. Good luck all! Remember - it's about having fun and we're all on board to support and appreciate whatever you come up with... even in those "uninspired weeks". xo
Curious how many people dropped out earlier this year... got to the Christmas break... felt guilty; and have decided to give Weekly Beats one final blast for the year? :-P
I'm literally in the studio, hammering away at a track, having completely skipped packing for my flight tomorrow morning. Wooooo! Cheers to the second last track (or two) of the year!
This was made for a friends birthday (he turned 30!). He owns the bar that a lot of us drink at locally + run synths nights and things at. We played this video at his surprise birthday party :-) It's a private youtube link, but I thought I'd put it here as I'm sure he'd be fine with the WB community watching it. Uses the new beta build of Keyscape which is amazing.
I finally got around to mixing the track properly (not on this video) which has lower vocals and a better mix. This video was the "loud vocals" version for the party.
There's the answer if it's crashing on most media files - very likely be your audio driver - they will probably both be using the default windows "Microsoft sound mapper" to output sound. Try flipping your DAW from ASIO back to the default and see if it crashes too. There's options in windows sound to choose what output to use - maybe see if you have a WASAPI driver or similar. I'd then look at reinstalling whatever driver is running your sound card.
Is it an expternal Sound Module or internal motherboard sound?
Thanks matie! Doing it now. Went WAV 48K > MP3 44.1k and it worked fine. Also have extra large Coffee now which I think was the problem all along :-P (ps. prepare to laugh at this tune)
Can someone confirm my hardstyle track is silent?! Just downloaded it and it's zero in Audition but internally checksumed fine. (https://weeklybeats.com/ctrix/music/go-wiv-da-bass-line) Just hit play in the session and got blasted, so nothing was solo'd in Reaper. I think a mastering plug may have crashed on output. DL link to re-upload would be amaze xo (was so proud that i got it up in the last 30 sec too!)
Edit: Yeah, can confirm master was silent too. Play's back fine, but renders silence. Jack-out to a Zoom recorder anyone?!
Thanks heaps mate!! You didn't miss too much on this one - New Jack Swing waffle made on a QY70 pocket synth in the back seat of my mates car on the way to a wedding :-o Recorded jack-to-jack into Dell laptop multi-jack that needed holding at the right angle to pass signal :-P Even did a live little melody on the dinky lil keyboard. https://weeklybeats.com/ctrix/music/qy7 at-noodlez
Uh - halp! Uploaded from a country wedding using a Vodaphone hotspot (already asking for trouble!). Laptop went flat by the time I got back to check up on it so I assume the 2G speed caused it to time out. Would be fab to 'av a link if possible.
Just noodling this week. A study in how bass lines change things (mainly?) - it did have a part 2 that brewed in my brain, but didn't have time. SO is more just a jam / test but it'll do!
I just tested some of the super secret teledildonix tracks from our squaresounds live set and they sound even more awesome after mastering.
This should be part of the TD set. You perform / record each track ahead of time via headphones and someone on stage (preferably in a suit) uploads each track to LANDR. 2 minutes later they play the mastered track through the PA. The last two performed tracks would then only be available via a download code. :-P
LANDR wise, I have zero interest. I think fast mastering is a massive part of the weekly beats learning process for me.