Buh MP3s anyway. Can't we build in the mod player from chipmusic.org?
Flash. also, mod.
WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by Trash80
Buh MP3s anyway. Can't we build in the mod player from chipmusic.org?
Flash. also, mod.
K I see, I'll fix soon. meantime you can popup a new window or something by shift-clicking.
I think its a great idea. I'm gonna at it to the list of to-dos. WeeklySiteUpdates2014
That makes sense. Adobe can afford to have their own proprietary codec or use the Fraunhofer codec.
We'd all be better off if ogg was more popular.
@trash80 what do you use as your encoder if not Lame?
Haha well I have a Adobe Cloud license now so I've been using Adobe Audition. Which has a pretty badass encoder. It takes just a few seconds for a 5 min song to save.
I wouldn't go low quality. I've found Lame has issues when using Chrome is all I meant. I tend to just use 320kbps CBR, seems to work well.
Fixed player.
done done
Hey guys, I managed to fix up a few things.
Let me know here if you have issues with only these changes below. (I don't have any time left this week to make more feature requests or fixes other than those addressed- Need to make a weeklybeat )
- Flash no longer required for uploads
- Updated jquery & plugins ( because above )
- Added soundcloud BB code
- Fixed issues with quoting comments on the music section
- Fixed having special characters in a comment. It would save a truncated comment after the special character.
- Fixed funky character user names not linking to their page & music items (if the utf16 encoded character was under a 4 chr length )
- Fixed some firefox css issues
Note: Because of the massive javascript change, you may need to refresh your browser as well.
hey uploaded for week 2 2014 only for no show disappointed to tell you truth where is my tune
any help would be great
We have no record of your track. You might of forgot to click the save button?
Use this link to upload your track for week 2
If I order by Comments, and hit play, it all goes well. Songs get played in that order (although in the playlist, the PLAY/PLAYED button doesn't change, would be nice if it did so I know which songs I played without having to hit refresh).
Yeah, the list on the page is disconnected from the player playlist. I'll see about adding some JS to account for that.
Anyway, and I can't reproduce this all the time, but some times if I hit NEXT, it plays a tune not in order.
Could it be that 1) the tune changed position since I generated the list order or 2) it's playing a random tune ?
Not sure. Maybe if 2 items have the same # of comments, it will play them out of order? The only time it should play items that are not in the list, is when it reaches the end of page 1's items, the player will go to page 2 by itself.
For the progress bar? That's the reason?
Not sure about other browsers, but Chrome gives you a percentage down the bottom (same as how it shows a URL when mousing over a link).
Yeah, just to generate a progress percentage. It's just old code that wasn't updated, I think in 2012 there may have been more browsers that had flash installed versus supporting the HTML5 specific feature needed to generate a upload progress percentage. I actually didn't even think of updating it until it was mentioned last week- but there were other pressing issues at the time.
default (random) order mixes weeks 1 and 2. intentional?
NO. I'll fix
Good idea. I'll add to the to-do list.
Yup, it's on the to-do list to provide a fall-back or a new uploader in general- maybe I'll have a fix this week. It's used for the upload progress bar. You could temporarily install flash player for the moment.