(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

submitted 26th song yay!


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Devieus wrote:
colorful grey wrote:

hmmm.... i'm not doing it right.

You are not, that link goes to a page which happens to have an image on it, not to the image itself.

awesome!!! thank you so much!!!


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

colorful grey wrote:

hmmm.... i'm not doing it right.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also... could somebody explain to me how to post pics or gifs in bbc? can't seem to do it. thanks!

how bout this


good luck! voted, too.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh yeah... darn. Now that I'm thinking more about it, I did upload using my colleagues laptop. Nevermind, sorry!


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I went from the US to UK and Germany earlier this year, and took another trip to Seattle. Had iPad only in Seattle, and could upload directly from the hotel. Had OP-1 in Europe (bling).

It's fun to travel and try to capture your experience. By the way, you don't need the companion/android workaround, I used this website:


Online sound file converter, very nice!


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Mr Mort wrote:
colorful grey wrote:

Interesting thread... I would love to play live but don't know how to go about finding a venue. I mean do you just call people up?

Well you gotta find a place that would suit the kind of music that you play first and that can be harder than anything else.

Yeah... that's true ;-) Nothing like going out more I guess!!


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Interesting thread... I would love to play live but don't know how to go about finding a venue. I mean do you just call people up?


It only takes 10minutes to create a track:
Check the Beat This episodes where producers create new track in ten minutes.

Here is two my favourites:
Toddla T speaks most of the time big_smile

Four Tet creates track using only random samples from Thriller LP:


infradead wrote:

my modular is pretty hands on so my 3 year old sometimes plays with me.  but mostly just find time in the evenings to play.

its finding time to play shows thats a clusterfuck with work and family

I admire that - both of it, really. I *want* my kids to see that I'm making music, and not just pleasant Puff the Magic Dragon (although I will play that on the guitar for them) but also bleeps and noise. So having them see and hear what I do is pretty important - and having them mess with your modular is certainly a great way of doing that. I found that an old piano we got for free has been good because I can't put earphones on so they will hear when I play. But of course that's tonal. (Which is not evil, just not the whole story).

Yeah, playing live. I don't even know how to start that. So doubt, such hesitation, wow much calling people. :-)


Strangely i have now done more music that i did before i had kid.

That's interesting. I would say that's true for me, too, although it's been 9 years since I had no kids. I never looked at it that way though. Same with the weekly beats - it *is* good to have some pressure to get things out.