(92 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Wait: it looks like the main site page has been reset for submissions.


(92 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Congratulations everyone and thank you!  52/52 here, found out about it on Createdigitalmusic.com just before the deadline last year, and figured what the heck, why not?  I never hit a block as such, and always figured that I'd work out something.  Some of my tracks weren't so good, but those tended to be from trying to hit a specific target.  The better tracks emerged somewhat organically and were more process-oriented. ("Let's do something where all the guitars go through this pedal I just bought."  "Let's use the bit crusher on all tracks." "Let's have every track be this Ableton instrument.")  If I thought I had a successful with some particular track, the next week went better if I set some rule that differentiated the two, to avoid live-up-to-X syndrome. I did learn that I really like synthesizing percussion sounds better than using drum machine samples, so that opens up some process.  And I like using drum lines that are varying lengths for unexpected interactions. 

Very cool to do this, and while I'm not totally sure what I'll do in 2015, I think I'm going to try to keep up a composition schedule. And collect some of what I did this past year for more formal release.  Also, I'm not going away--I'll listen to things I haven't yet heard, and keep commenting. Great to discover your work here!

I'm on SahndClahd (either this one or this one), Defacebook, an Ello thing, and have a few relatively inactive Twizzlers.

Interesting--my 52 has been trending that way.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've always tended toward the explorational, but I think I've sharpened up my structural focus this year--even if I'm not sure what I'm doing in the beginning, some idea develops during the process.  The one-piece-per-week-no-matter-what approach has helped with the ability to get stuff out, getting me over that "I don't know where this is going; I'll just stop" thought.  So maybe less vague improv and more deliberate architecture, even when the architecture is intuitive.

I'm confused.  Are these real passports or novelty passports?  And what exactly is a "novelty" passport?  Do they put clown makeup on your photo, or what?

Also, is it possible to get a passport for Whatthefuckistan?


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

45 for 45 so far.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I slacked a bit on comments last week, but I usually do try to get around to everyone I listen to.  So yeah.

Where's my discount Lithuanian duck?

My kids expressed some alarm and disappointment that I might not be doing a new song each week in 2015.  And aside from people not always commenting, the community seems pretty strong here.

Chris Dotson wrote:

Not sure why it took this long to realize I should be titling my tracks using these spam comments.

That's quite brilliant, actually.

I don't quite follow how the militant cells are responsible for parkas and shoes, but here's hoping the spammer has an answer.

So is there blood on these jackets or not?  And does that make them cheaper or more expensive?

I'm going for the full 52. At this point, it seems like I'd be letting down my commitment if I stopped short of it.

I do try to comment on as many as I can while listening during the week.  There are definitely some sparser times, though. 

If your life is demanding other things from you, I can understand dropping it--it's just a thing we're doing for the heck of it, and the productivity.


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not going to stop until everybody hears my work.  And I mean everybody. Like, it'll have to be mandatory in schools and hospitals.


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Some weeks it's easier to listen to more pieces; some weeks it's a bit harder, especially when I'm working on non-WB material.  This coming Friday, for example, I'm doing a live set performing music for belly dancers.  It's been a few years since I did one of these sets, so I've had to immerse myself in Mediterranean beats.  My primary listening at work is WB, though I don't always get through each week.  I do try to comment on everything I listen to, though. Otherwise how would you know someone listened?

(I like the idea someone had earlier in the year of making sure there were no tracks with zero comments.  I haven't been strict about it, but it's an admirable goal.)


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Every week so far in 2014, and have a piece cooking for this weekend.