thanks so much! this one worked
257 December 7, 2012 11:55 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
258 December 7, 2012 4:20 am
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I think the link expired. I'm there in spirit though! ctic-space
259 December 7, 2012 4:19 am
Re: Dear Administrator/s... (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I apologize, I've been traveling the last couple days and this doesn't seem to work anymore, eek
260 December 4, 2012 3:40 am
Re: Dear Administrator/s... (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
hi admins/whoever can do this... I had some internet troubles, but had my track ready to go for last week. what do I do to upload it?
261 December 3, 2012 1:35 am
Re: welp, shit... I forgot to upload one (2 replies, posted in General Discussion)
also, my internet was out when I had completed this in the early hours of sunday, so I had plenty of time to upload it. just forgot to, and internet was restored in time.
262 December 3, 2012 1:34 am
Topic: welp, shit... I forgot to upload one (2 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I had this done, but forgot to upload it. my only defense is my last grandparent passed away this week, grandma dorothy, and we had family from out of town distracting me. here is what I would have uploaded: ctic-space
263 November 29, 2012 7:03 am
Re: Weekly Beats Shirt Thread, Woo! (34 replies, posted in General Discussion)
love that shirt design, looks cool, but I has no moneys
264 November 29, 2012 6:56 am
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
265 November 15, 2012 5:02 am
Re: Production Tips/Tricks (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I've found that besides the internet, occasionally picking up a magazine about electronic music is pretty great. especially when they come with those discs full of plugins and whatnot.
266 November 11, 2012 5:49 am
Re: Production Tips/Tricks (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
(in other words, just keep at it and read stuff online like this thread here, and check out other forums, and keep practicing and learning, and play stuff on different systems at friends houses, mastering is a consensus of how many things you've heard it on... I too use cheap sennheisers, some decent earbuds, and just some JBLs to monitor, gotta use what you got and upgrade when possible)
267 November 11, 2012 5:47 am
Re: Production Tips/Tricks (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
as far as my very biased opinion, I recommend going to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, as their Sound dept. is top notch, and that's where I went to study this stuff. I could list some books I have on my amazon wishlist, but only if requested (plus, I haven't even read them yet
268 November 9, 2012 6:34 am
Re: Production Tips/Tricks (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
yep, free software is super cool!
269 November 6, 2012 6:59 am
Re: Production Tips/Tricks (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I like to find out the tendencies of the mics I'm working with if I'm doing live recording and then do some slight EQ adjusts of various types. I've found that the blood overdrive plugin in flstudio can be used subtly to boosts dead mids. baxxpander is a nice free vst that'll really boost your bass naturally and will also give a nice analog thump to things. TeslaSE rocks as an all around saturator on the master. I usually like to stay away from compression since I find it very difficult to find a good sounding compressor, at least on the software side. every once in a while I use a slight amount of compression in soundforge on some tracks, but it doesn't always make it sound better. another thing in soundforge that I like to use is the smooth/enhance filter, but again, I don't use it on everything, just if it makes it sound better. I've always wanted to use a lot of different things, but ultimately the less is more approach is better, and it is often better to be subtractive when using EQs, but I don't always take that advice.
270 October 31, 2012 2:48 am
Re: Week 42 was rather light on the commentary. talk about it here. (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
43 now
271 October 29, 2012 6:52 am
Re: Week 42 was rather light on the commentary. talk about it here. (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
272 October 28, 2012 11:31 pm
Re: Week 42 was rather light on the commentary. talk about it here. (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
home stretch! 10 more weeks..........