I have one at about 30bpm and another at about 190.
It's worth considering that how you feel an underlying pulse can vary greatly. So if you're not looking, 35, 70, 140, 280 etc can all feel the same.
WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by fc
I have one at about 30bpm and another at about 190.
It's worth considering that how you feel an underlying pulse can vary greatly. So if you're not looking, 35, 70, 140, 280 etc can all feel the same.
Nice! Congrats.
Yes, yes it is. A worthwhile one though.
Check out some of Ablinger's work in noise studies.
vinpous wrote:Sure, what's his or her email address/phone number? And who shall I tell referred me his/her way?
Author of the highly-suspect "Testimony."
I'll shoot him an email tomorrow. I'm sure he'll be pleased.
Indeed not, no guarantee at all. But additional signifiers can help.
Bloody hell. Poor Adelaide.
Etheross wrote:But it can convey emotion, and that might be meaning enough.
It can generate emotion, but not necessarily the one the artist intended; certain linkin park songs make me happy because the sounds are nice, even if the lyrics are almost always depressing emo shit.
This is it precisely. It can stimulate feelings in receivers, but not necessarily the same feeling in ALL receivers nor what the artist was attempting to portray. Words assist this, as words are a far more communicative.
vinpous wrote:Unless you work with words, music is incapable of transmitting a message or meaning.
Tell that to Volkov.
Sure, what's his or her email address/phone number? And who shall I tell referred me his/her way?
Perplex On - very impressive live methods! Very impressive. Nice piece too. Pianist in another life?
What's the theramin-like thing on the laptop screen? M4L patch?
I was one of the people who did all 52 in 2012. But my quality is much improved this time, particularly with electronic tools. My aesthetic has changed somewhat too.
Congratulations to all, thus far!
I'm actually having the problem of holding back at the moment, due to an overarching desire to do some related works. I could have done two weeks in one go last week, but didn't. Luckily for me I'm working on an academic report at the moment, so not doing much "work related" creative stuff (other than WB).
Luc Ferrari - excellent choice TL-R!
I've been listening in bursts to Anthony Pateras' "Collected Works" box set, recently. Been re-inspired by his work (and attitude).
Happily swap with you, dAn.mE. At least Berlin has some culture...
hospital for anemic sounds...a very interesting take on noise esp coming from a guy with no musical background. With these words in mind what holds the future of sound/music in our time and age?
http://www.arts.rpi.edu/~century/MMC11/ ilence.pdf
1937. In case you, and anyone else, hasn't read it.
That's a profoundly ... profound bit of writing. Noise music came to real fruition in the 1950s; it's seeing a resurgence now in a new form. In general I think that is a fantastic idea for a theme. Unfortunately, so far, essentially all of my WBs have been informed at least indirectly, by that text.
vinpous wrote:What's depressing is that it's only the 3rd of Feb and we're already smashing records all around the place. Disturbing.
To be honest though, it is the side of February more likely to be breaking the records. It cools down from here.
I dunno, last year my partner and I came back on the 3rd of March to a week of really, really hot weather. That one where the BOM made a new colour for the centre of Australia.
I must admit that I'm enjoying the relative humidity we've been getting here.