Chris Dotson wrote:

Official home:

Hit me up on twitter if you wanna gripe about music and what-not:



I have lots. Most are in my profile, but if you're interested in what I do (more broadly also) then subscribe to my email list.

Website is

Soundcloud is

Hm, in no particular order: … limb-remix … i-insomnia

[url="[excerpt]"][excerpt][/url] … ed-piano-2

I actually quite like everything, and find it hard to "favourite" my own work. Also the Great Unhearing is in its entirety on my self-released EP titled "Noise &":

Also, I can't get The Great Unhearing to link. Oh well.

Wow, chra - Editions Mego! Very cool. They're an awesome label. Congratulations!

Thanks, Jiffypop. Proud to be a 104 master race.

104/104 here. Number 104 is a special tribute to 2012/2014.

Much easier to handle this time around, because my main job is making music it was rarely a hassle. Sometimes it was done last minute due to being really busy, but not that often.

Interestingly, I think my work is much more consistent than 2012, which is a good thing. I don't think there is an improvement, per se, since January. Just ongoing explorations. This indicates that I've settled in to my aesthetic and method, most likely during 2013.

Yep. Exactly as I predicted: studies & misc.

There may or may not be samples, arpeggios, beats, catchy tunes AND experimentalyness in mine. Now submitted.

Already on something like that. It's a secret though.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not sure if WB in its current form will continue. I understand the hosting is probably quite expensive by now.

I'm about where I'd expect to be. I've done a bit more rhythm/melody based stuff than I was expecting to, but compared against my compositions for the last six or seven years, it's about where "jazz" would have fitted in, previously. So that's pretty consistent.

I did start delving into Open Music, finally, which I meant to start doing in 2012 but just couldn't get my head around it. So that's cool. I've also done a bit less notated work than I thought I might. I've planned a few but not got around to articulating them.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tatecarson wrote:

How many people are planning on trying to make full releases out of this material? I'm thinking of the best way to do it online. Are there any better options than bandcamp or soundcloud? I know itunes but no one will probably find it there.

I've already done a couple of "releases" from WB material this year. Will likely get another, or derive another. Have a look at netlabels like Clinical Archives.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Phil Harmonic wrote:

we should make real music next year..:D

Speak for yourself.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)


paul raygun wrote:

aint no way i am missing a single week.....

what shall i ever do next year post wb??!!!??

I started doing a thing called "12 EPs in 12 Months", but only did two or maybe three as I just couldn't do it.

Maybe work all the material into an album? Keep going anyway, keeping a blog up or something?

Sorry to see you go. I really enjoyed a lot of your work.

Feel free to subscribe to my email list at big_smile

Bye bye, George. sad