(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh man.  four notes would be so hard.  i love the idea.

that's what i'm going to work around


(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

as someone with a modular synth i'm going to throw drone out there big_smile


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thursdaybloom wrote:
infradead wrote:

I'm not just a statistic damn it.

You're part of the % who are not statistics

but are assholes


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not just a statistic damn it.

i'm also an asshole


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

whoa cool.

i'm kind of curious how many of us will still be on the list on week 22

hoping i'm still there


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mostly self respect and maybe a little dignity

Toaster oven raping a microwave

listening to slow jams sung by a 56k modem

tIB wrote:

So if Ive already submitted but then made something else I like better can I delete the entry and submit something else?


supper easy to do as well.  just go into your profile and go to the newest song and upload the new one.

at the end of my song i said to myself.

Fuck.  Modular synths are fun!


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

real life is a stone cold bitch.

bought a new case for my modular so i'm selling a smaller case that had all my sequencing stuff in it, so all the sequencing modules are sitting on my desk in front of me.

i foresee drones


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i got one comment.  i haven't had time to listen to anyone elses for two weeks now.  i was listening at work on my work laptop but got a stern talking to for how much bandwidth i was using so now i'm being pretty careful not to do anything streaming just in case.  i really feel like a horses ass for not listening

Phil Harmonic wrote:

Infradead! skull is gnarly!  also.. I want that ass blaster wink

thanks!  my friend brought it back from a first decent rafting trip in tibet.

and you'll drag the metasonix from my cold dead hands


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mine was an experiment using spoken audio with envelope followers to distort and modulate itself.

i was out of town for my grandfathers 90th birthday so i didn't have the time to work on it as much as i would have like.   

working on some techno for the next week but i'm really jonsing for a nice diode filter for that 303 squelch


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i wish i was handier.  there are a lot of cool pcbs out there.

luckily i have a friend who will building modules for himself and is willing to build a couple extra for me..

some dude talking on the senete about boring stuff.

into maths as an envelope follower.  audio into various filters n' stuff

i'm not totally happy about it but i'm out of the house tomorrow for the rest of the week.