(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I imagine a combination of both + mad hangs


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I might sit with you actually. As long as we can put that wok to some vegetarian noodle dish use.


(33 replies, posted in Site Help)

What is the relevance of the 'date' sort order?

Is it possible to for the artist to see who has added their track to favourite (or at least a running total)?


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)


No, it is actually quite a good idea albeit one that may end up being impossible to see into fruition - I have enough trouble meeting up with just you, let alone trying to organise a whole group of us.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Well if you work on half a track and your collab partner works on the other, then having two people to work on two tracks equates to one track each. It works out well on paper. Now, I know Communism also seems a good idea in theory but not so much in practice, but I still think my idea isn't so bad. I hope that by mentioning Communism I've successfully made it seem like a comparatively great idea.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'll assume this is the correct place to post my opinion on collaborations:

If people collaborate and all participants upload that track for their week then we'll have duplicates of the same song for some weeks. I think it probable that this will detract from the uniqueness/individualism of that weeks playlist if there are two or more versions of the same song. I also feel it will affect proper commenting and feedback for the track as well. If the collaborated track is first heard as Artist A's submission and I like/comment it will only be reflected on Artist A's profile. By the time I get to Artist B I would have already heard and track and won't even listen to it, let alone comment again.

I feel to avoid this potential submission duplication we should decide whether collaboration house rules are to apply. I propose 1 track per person collaborating so each artist has a submission each.



(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I imagine I'll be posting in the next 50 of these topics


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Phil Harmonic wrote:

The end of the world, of course.

Science has spoken!

godinpants wrote:

nah, it was pointless way before I joined in.


(75 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(75 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Poppi wrote:

My audio interface, editing software, trackpad and mouse are all fucked. That's right, Fucked.

And I'm poor and couldn't afford to fix these things in time because I just separated from somebody and consequently have two people's rent to pay until I can find new, suitable accommodation. That's right, I'm pissed off. They say "bad things come in threes", in my case it's more like seven or eights.

Time to take out a loan – thank capitalism for banks.

This makes me combination mad/sad. I hope things are alright for you!

There's been a to-the-second countdown timer all week.

If you find tracks on here that have already been uploaded elsewhere (thanks to the link in the description) what do we do?


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I dual-wield daggers for 15x sneak bonus


(36 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey guys. Just letting you know I haven't read any of these messages and I'll be composing whatever I feel like that week. Thanks.