Are any WeeklyBeats ppl on telegram? My discord is such a mess.
Also if anyone wants in on LANDR again, looking at that group buy. / Forums / Posts by starpause
Are any WeeklyBeats ppl on telegram? My discord is such a mess.
Also if anyone wants in on LANDR again, looking at that group buy.
I haven't even gotten 2020 WeeklyBeats uploaded to bandcamp. Archive when you're dead I guess cause now it's time for phresh bleatz!
Joe Galen wrote:FYI: I am now seeding the torrent, should be available for 18 hours a day, every day (the server turns itself off to save the disks once per day). If anyone is having trouble with bit torrent and wants to get the file via FTP then let me know. Thanks Devius.
If you want, I can give you the python program that downloads the whole week and zips it up, saves the both of us time.
i would like this
crotch mic technique LOL
L. O. V. E.
end of a weeklybeats year is always bittersweet. sigh of relief, i did it, 52 beats! but then i feel empty like... what to do now? i didn't interact with folks a lot this year so i'll be digging back through this year to find gems and enjoy what everyone made ^_____^
Yooo I’m definitely doing this again so if anyone wants in msg/email me and I’ll let everyone know what we net out to per head ^^
If anyone wants in on the LANDR group buy it'll happen again. Enough of us liked using it last year that we upped it for access through the off season
I'll re-up us.
Curious to hear everyone's impressions after the year. I used medium all the time and would re-do my mixes if I didn't quite like how it sounded. Typically that would be 2 or 3 mix attempts but some were more and some were nailed off the bat. That round trip would have been more timely if I was master on iPad (was doing gadget all year) but idk I still enjoy the robot mastering my music
One thing I like about the posts there is that each song has it's self imposed genre... makes it easy to know if you even want to click listen... guess we've got tasg here
we're not the only ones! there's other prolific life out there in the universe!
too late?
too late?
not too late! email sent to both of you
didn't get your paypal addies but had you in the calculation, hit me up!
starpause, thanks again for organizing and setting this up. I just gave my track a quick go through the Light setting and it did wonders
Nice one! I had to upload my track 3 times... first time I realized I hadn't deleted all the crap apendix sketchpad stuff off the end, 2nd time I realized I'd effed the muting in a few parts so the composition was wrong, third time it was actually the track I wanted to master and medium sounded fine so I ran with it
sometimes I think mid sounds better and sometimes I think high sounds better. I also think ear fatigue starts to set in after awhile
Ear fatique is real for sure. So is what you think a song sounds like, your brain fills things in... one of the reasons it's so hard to master your own stuff without going entirely scientific.
Funny, high is brutally smashed to my ears, feels like the option they stuck in for people who are always requesting LOUDER (MAKETHELOGOBIGGER)
Medium was my happy place where mix deficiencies were smoothed over so that everything was decently audiable but there were still some dynamics left for weight and emphesis, things had room to breathe.
Light was the most expressive but also if I went with it I would have had to gone back and tweak the mix further... like if my mix was right on then ligh would be perfect.
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