Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / ViridianLoom's music / Burning Rivers of Asphodel

Burning Rivers of Asphodel

By ViridianLoom on May 19, 2024 8:36 pm

Got Hades on the brain. Sorry I didn't check out anyone's music last week, I've just been a burnt out so I'll try revisiting last week's music when I go around listening to the music from this week.

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I'd pay good money to see you and Darren Korb perform together. big_smile

Nasty bass tone reminds me of Silverchair's "Dead Roses". Loved the vibes, the 13/8 going on was definitely a brainfuck.

Whoa hades 2 is out!?!???

Hades was such a sick and original game (I’d never player a roguelite before that), and the music and story rocked too. This music fit well with it, definitely some just passed through Tartarus soul bending riffs.

When will the Elysium power metal track be coming out?

First thought - I am digging that bass tone and that first bass riff. That section at 1:29 is sick, and you push it up another notch from 1:36 with the double bass and the guitar coming up. That heavy staccato riff that follows is a great way to crown it all. Do you program all the drums? They are playing very closely to the other instruments, which is a really great touch but requires a lot of time, I suppose.

Love the bass. It really drives the track from start to end.

Nice time signatures. Energy is great. And you have some very nice super thick sections.

Well played.

I really like the effects on the more melodic guitars that comes in around the ~0:30-0:40 mark.  The reverb does a nice job of putting into a space that feels really appropriate for the game.  Like it has a empty ancient hall vibe that really works with the games atmosphere.

That bass tone is so sick. This song rips. So much snarl and attitude. The way you ended this with the triple bonks, then the bass by itself again was *chef's kiss*. I didn't hear the rest of the song because I was busy watching the playthrough wink

Glad you finally got to the "end" of Hades. I found it incredibly satisfying, as video game endings go.

blighters_rock wrote:

That bass tone is so sick. This song rips. So much snarl and attitude. The way you ended this with the triple bonks, then the bass by itself again was *chef's kiss*. I didn't hear the rest of the song because I was busy watching the playthrough wink

Glad you finally got to the "end" of Hades. I found it incredibly satisfying, as video game endings go.

You may interested to know that the secret sauce for this bass tone was that I split the signal between a bass amp and a guitar amp wink That and I used a guitar pick to really drive down into it. I was pretty happy with the tone too, at some point this year I stopped using presets and just dialed in fresh tones because I'm finding that I get better overall production if I get the sound the way I want from the get go. Then I'm not trying to EQ the track as much.

Also I'm glad you enjoyed the ending, haha. One of my favorite aspects of the Hades soundtrack was when a fight would end and you'd only hear the bassline from the music until you entered the next room.

frogcity wrote:

Whoa hades 2 is out!?!???

Hades was such a sick and original game (I’d never player a roguelite before that), and the music and story rocked too. This music fit well with it, definitely some just passed through Tartarus soul bending riffs.

When will the Elysium power metal track be coming out?

You know, I wasn't planning on it but now you put the idea in my head.

levelcapybara wrote:

I'd pay good money to see you and Darren Korb perform together. big_smile

Capy always coming in with the flattering comments heart I'd love to pick that dudes mind. The soundtracks for all the Supergiant games are incredible. My wife LOVES the song "The Spine" from Transistor.

ViridianLoom wrote:

I'm finding that I get better overall production if I get the sound the way I want from the get go.

Heh yes, the secret to good mixes is to make it sound good before you start mixing


This rocks hard.  The music definitely fits well with the video game action and there were a few parts where it seemed to sync up especially well, like near the beginning when the floating head thing opens its mouth in a roar and the guitars kick in.

I don't know shit about Hades but this track rips.

That bass tone is sick, good choice splitting the signal.

Oh HELL yais! \m/ \m/ At first watching the video I was like oh cool he uploaded his playthrough and that's the cool HADES soundtrack!  Damn love the sound of the guitars immediately.  Those double kicks with the main theme are super appreciated too and had me tapping along.  Really makes me wish I was better at that game lol.  You could easily do a future Hades/Doom-esque game. 

Dude, everything in this track sounds so perfect! Banger!

Hellll yes I love this one!

So nice, gets you nodding in search of center with energy from beginning to end!

Dang this is killer.


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