Adelaide SA
little-scale wrote:

Tristan Louth-Robins wrote:

I'm down for this.  and Sanad, I reckon it's been a good couple of years since I saw a catch up of sorts is in the order.

Still rofling at this ^^ big_smile

lol...I'm actually sanad. for real.

Although I wanna meet all these amazing adelaidebeaters, I'd be totes useless....Maybe I can just hang in the kitchen at emu with my singing bowl and wok.

Adelaide, Australia

I might sit with you actually. As long as we can put that wok to some vegetarian noodle dish use.


So everyone is going to be off in the other room cooking awesome food, now? Hnng.

Adelaide, South Australia

So long as they make enough for us, we can record in the studio while they do it ;P

Adelaide, South Australia

The EMU is sounding like a pretty good option.  I don't have access anymore though... sad  (Which is amusing considering I'm still technically 'staff', lol)

Adelaide Australia

so  what type of music will this outing be?
Electronic or more live instruments?
Sounding interesting tho...

Adelaide, Australia

I imagine a combination of both + mad hangs

Adelaide SA
Thursdaybloom wrote:

I might sit with you actually. As long as we can put that wok to some vegetarian noodle dish use.

little-scale wrote:

So everyone is going to be off in the other room cooking awesome food, now? Hnng.

The Alastair Collins wrote:

So long as they make enough for us, we can record in the studio while they do it ;P

's do it thusdaybloom! (hi5) , and Alastair and little-scale, I'm sure there will be enough of my mad cooking skills for everyone

Adelaide, South Australia

aaaw YEAH! \m/ >.< \m/


Ok, so the EMU studio / space is free both this Sunday (22/01/12) and the following Sunday (29/01/12), for example. Or if people could suggest dates that are more suitable? Tristan / Alastair / Iran / Thursdaybloom / WhiteRhino / anyone else?

WhiteRhino: I'm guessing a mixture of both, probably more on the electronic / noisy side perhaps, not sure, I guess it depends on who comes along and what each person brings. I will probably be laptop centric.

Iran: If you need a nice-sounding glass bowl for your cooking adventures, you know where to find one.

Adelaide, Australia

I work every sunday. I can never do a sunday unless it's post 5pm. I also don't really have much to contribute but I still want hangs. If everyone else is free on sunday then gor it and I'll come along to the next one.


The Sunday suggestion was just a starting point. When is best for you, Thursdaybloom?

Thursdaybloom wrote:

I also don't really have much to contribute

I know that this is not true.

Thursdaybloom wrote:

but I still want hangs.

Fair enough big_smile

Adelaide SA

Iran agrees with Thursdaybloom. (not on your contribution, on mine). hangs is good.

little-scale I don't want more massacred bowls on my conscience than I already have. but 4 sho.

not around from the 26/01 till 01/02, but that shouldn't really matter. I'm totes useless unless in the kitchen (NO PUN).


I'm around the evening of the 23rd but guessing that's too specific.

I would if I could.

Adelaide, South Australia

The 22nd I might have to disappear to a rehearsal during, but it wouldn't be far away, so I can come back. The 29th is open in the evening, I'll be running a photography workshop during the day for AVCon, so even if we do it late that night, I'll be a bit strung out ;P

The 23rd works for me, I'm free all day I think... maybe a rehearsal, but I haven't gotten confirmation either way from the director yet.

Other than that, pretty well everyday we can do, with possible gaps where I'll need to disappear for a while


I'm at work on the 23rd during the day, but I could do in the evening / after 5PM anytime.

How does that fit in with other people?