oops double post.. classic
1 August 21, 2023 6:53 am
Re: AI Music Generation?!?!?!?!?! (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
2 August 21, 2023 6:53 am
Re: AI Music Generation?!?!?!?!?! (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
this is just gonna be my current thought on it, and its defo full of holes that I fall in all the time with my own stuff... but ultimately I feel if you don't understand how a tool, like AI, came up with the thing its done, it is not really 'yours'. So, if I got real smart and created an AI model that created music that I like, sure, that is mine. If I trained that AI on only Nine Inch Nails, then I think I might start having issues... If I use an AI model that I didn't make, and all I did was put a prompt in, I don't think I have any ownership of that, beyond a curiosity... But then.. If I started sampling that and creating my own work from that, then it becomes more an expression of myself again...
That's similar to how I feel about sampling, and how I feel about tools that write and suggest chord progressions, or even (the thing I use all the time) slicers and glitch plugins..
It has all these open questions, and I use ownership in both the 'I actually own the output of this so I'm free to share it' and the 'I can feel proud of the content I've made' way.
Ultimately, I do like the use of AI for prompting new creative acts. I ran a tabletop campaign recently, and in my depth of feeling uninspired, bashing "I need 20 missions for a pirate themed tabletop skirmish game" gave me no usable ideas, but I did get 8-10 things I could jump off of and use..
So yeah.. it is a biiig mess.. I don't think I'll use AI for music for a while, as I'm not a programmer, I don't know if I could ever make my own AI model, so I wouldn't feel like its 'mine', for whatever that is really worth. I can't wait to hear what people actually do with it creatively though!
3 January 12, 2023 8:55 am
Re: WeeklyBeats 2022 Nominations! (25 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Damn I saw some
4 January 27, 2022 4:49 pm
Re: Post your bandcamp! (54 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I too feel the 'omg that was *how* long ago?' Cursed time, curse its flow.
Here is my Bandcamp! its got all of WB2016 / 2018 on it, as well as a few other things
7 December 20, 2019 12:52 am
Re: See you guys in 2020?? (51 replies, posted in General Discussion)
oh no I'm here again, still haven't decided if I have enough time to commit, but I've also remembered my password, so thats something!
8 December 31, 2018 12:13 am
Re: Happy almost-new-year! (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Ya! congrats all. twas a certainly a year. Time to sleep!
9 February 6, 2018 8:03 pm
Re: what were you working on just before WB18 started up? (16 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I finished a book of illustrations : http://alonemusic.bigcartel.com/product
in Wb2016 I did art for each track.. then spent 2017 redrawing them all and put it all together into a big.. thing..
10 December 22, 2017 9:52 am
Re: Who's doing this next year? (73 replies, posted in General Discussion)
2016 was an amazing year, mostly because I took part in this, despite the world slowly revealing its shitty self.
Still umming and ahhing if I'll take part, got a really busy first few months in 2018, so we'll see...
In other news, in 2016, I did an illustration each week, this year I remastered each one and will have a book of them out in the new year... here is the kickstarter, but I'll be doing more preorders in Jan when I have the proof copy..
11 January 2, 2017 12:13 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Me three D:
12 January 1, 2017 10:21 pm
Re: Week 52 is upon us all (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Wondering why I can't upload my week 52 or view anyone else's. I did my song on Sunday afternoon (as is my usual schedule) but uploads don't appear to be allowed. Wondering if something happened?
try the green upload link : http://weeklybeats.com/music/upload
It seems to be uploading to week 53, but fingers crossed everything will be fine come midnight
13 January 1, 2017 12:19 pm
Re: Quick chart of uploads (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
well not tracks are showing for 52, but 53 still lets you upload?
14 January 1, 2017 9:56 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
2017's first vitcim
15 January 1, 2017 12:59 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
16 December 26, 2016 9:54 am
Topic: Week 52 is upon us all (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I just thought I'd 1) acknowledge the passing of time but also 2) say Whoop! what a strange and sometimes sad year it has been, but cranking out music every week has basically kept me sane and left me inspired. It also finally broke my hideous writers block which had become a lingering headache.
So thank you all, for the feedback, the comments, the gifs, and for your music too which continues to push boundaries.
Now back to work on that last track...