18 March 19, 2014 9:10 pm
Re: WeeklyVids (312 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I did youtube remix for laughs and it got whopping +200k views so i made extended version so i could use it as weekly track
Man the 'something exotic' clip is so perfect as a hook - aurally and visually!
19 March 19, 2014 9:09 pm
Re: WeeklyVids (312 replies, posted in General Discussion)
@drmindflip essence of awesome!
that grain/filter and color makes your video! (a tiny tiny bit out of sync though..?)~ I've been dry of video ideas for weeks ... and I miss this forum
Great work !
Cheers Aday! As I said, first one ever
You're right - it is a little out...that's because I'm using a cheap editing app that doesn't allow anything like precise placement of audio/video clips. It's like playing Operation or something! But I might splash out on one that actual lets me do it properly
20 March 17, 2014 1:29 am
Re: WeeklyVids (312 replies, posted in General Discussion)
First time making a video ever, let alone a WeeklyVid! Enjoy
Week 11: Dr. Mindflip - Give me a sign
21 March 11, 2014 6:55 pm
Re: Notes on Bruce Swedien's Mixing Style (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Thanks for sharing! That's some seriously interesting info there . Love the pitch speed trick, sounds like something that would be worth trying!
22 March 11, 2014 6:50 pm
Re: hey guys (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Weeklybeats has helped me reflect the following
- Where I stand technically
- What I'm capable of
- What I'm potentially capable of.
- Try and break though some personal barriers
>> It's also a good way to kind of give your self an indication of what you were sounding like at that time. /an epoch/timecapsule!!/
This is a terrific post - some very wise words here. Doing any kind of personal reflection, such as keeping a journal or making music, is bound to expose our own patterns of thought and our beliefs about ourselves. Sometimes these will be positive and empowering (wow, I actually massed to come up with an entirely new piece in a matter of hours!), other times they might be negative or disarming (I can't keep up with other people, I don't think my style is original, etc.)
True or not, and the negative blurts are most often very false indeed, the creative process brings these ideas that we have collected about ourselves to the surface. The problem is that we can let them take over, identify with them and let them drag us down. But the most important thing to be aware of is your own creative potential - treat it with care and honour, observe the doubts and insecurities jumping for your attention and then...here's the crucial (and easy!) bit...just keep creating. Don't think, don't analyse or worry, just counter those feelings with action. Make something, tiny or whatever, just do it! You'll feel better and prove your worries wrong every...single...time
I've found this past ten weeks a rather trying journey at times, wondering if I can keep up, if I'm dreaming too big, able to make something new every time, if I'll be able to endure the self-shaming that will occur if I miss a week or drop out...it's quite an emotional thing, exposing and challenging your creative process like this, so it's bound to bring up feelings like this.
But all is well, your creative voice is always a unique part of you (even if you tried your utmost to copy another musician, it will always have your own personal stamp on it) and we are all full of ideas and potential, regardless of whether or not our current life-situation makes it easy for us to make a tune any given week. Enjoy your creativity and avoid anything that makes you doubt it! Take a break if you need to, this is all just a game
23 February 12, 2014 5:50 pm
Re: Momentum status (41 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Aha but of course! Hmmm...I'm actually okay with this - it'll make the whole upload process a lot more elaborate, silly and interesting for me
24 February 11, 2014 7:54 pm
Re: the inspiration station (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Just chiming in to say how interesting this thread has been to read...for me, just trusting in your music and losing yourself to the process is the best possible approach, at least in the start. Self-trust is paramount!
25 February 11, 2014 7:52 pm
Re: Momentum status (41 replies, posted in General Discussion)
What can I say, I'm finding the whole process thrilling and challenging in equal measure - it never ceases to amaze me:
(a) How varied and dynamic the styles are turning out, even with individual artists
(b) How supportive and friendly this community is
(c) How QUICKLY Sunday looms down upon me every single week!
I have a habit of sitting on half-finished songs and sketches - Weekly Beats has single-handedly taken to that habit with a vengeance! It's really pushing me to devote more time and passion to what I love doing - I couldn't ask for anything more if I tried.
My upcoming challenge...I'll be sans-technology for a few weeks in the summer, so I might have to do a blitz of tracks and bribe a co-conspirator to upload them on my behalf!
26 February 3, 2014 1:16 am
Re: sorry (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Sorry to hear things are tricky for you - hopefully the Spring will bring some good vibes your way asap
27 February 3, 2014 12:48 am
Re: Weather (36 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Here in Ireland it has been like the storm scene from the Wizard of Oz for the past three weeks or so. If any of ye fancy sending unwanted sunshine this way, feel free!
28 January 27, 2014 12:52 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Thank you so much! You guys rock
29 January 27, 2014 12:23 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Can I get an upload link too please? Thanks a million
30 January 27, 2014 12:09 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Yes please! My entry didn't seem to appear, I thought I had it on time
31 January 27, 2014 12:04 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
I had the same problem, it's ready here and I thought it uploaded but it's not appearing....
Any help would be much appreciated!