I've got all the torrents added to my machine but am not at 100% seeding for any of them, yet. I'll keep them seeding in case anyone else wants to grab them, just need to get me to 100%.
17 March 17, 2014 2:14 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Torrent Thread (165 replies, posted in General Discussion)
18 February 3, 2014 3:07 am
Re: Theme for Week 5 - Absolutely No 4/4 (77 replies, posted in General Discussion)
and here's mine:
19 January 31, 2014 3:58 pm
Re: the inspiration station (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I agree with other folks saying that just sitting down and playing for the joy of sound is as valid as trying to make something that 'means' something.
That said, when I'm particularly in the mood to capture a feeling there isn't an easy way to explain how I do that since everyone's tools are different (words? guitar? sine wave generator?). To paraphrase the Red House Painters, you just have to play until the thing sounds the way you feel. Honestly, the only way to get good at that is to play. A lot.
When you start to know your tools inside and out you can use them more efficiently, which is the best way to not lose the feeling you had when you started.
20 January 27, 2014 1:25 am
Re: Theme for Week 4 -Shared Melody (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
So far there's three completely different takes on the melody. :-)
21 January 22, 2014 2:32 pm
Re: What are you listening to? (2014 thread) (72 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I can't bear to listen to anything Molina did since March last year. It's still too fucking hard.
I know that feeling. I don't think I'm going to listen to the records for a while, but just getting them into the house was a big step.
22 January 22, 2014 5:57 am
Re: What are you listening to? (2014 thread) (72 replies, posted in General Discussion)
In addition to listening to as much of the 2014 contributions here as I can, I've been in a heavy Jason Molina phase (RIP) with the reissue of Magnolia Electric Company and Fading Trails.
I finally bought the Magnolia Electric and Hecla & Griper reissue LPs yesterday, and now my Molina discography is complete. And that fills me with such sadness...
23 January 21, 2014 5:39 pm
Re: Procrastination (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I agree with what both preciouskindred and RawTicks said, in terms of workflow and no-pressure.
I'm a big proponent of noodling, personally. Instead of thinking that I'm starting to work, I like to pick a piece of gear, or whatever, and zero it all out and just start messing around. In the long-run it really helps you learn your tools/toys, but it also takes the pressure off because you're just trying to have a good time.
You also should remember that the record button is your friend, and not think that it only is for your great ideas. The best advice anyone ever gave me was to simply "press record." It gives you a great living timeline of how you progress over the years, plus there's always some great gems that you can use later as starting ideas.
TL;DR less working more playing.
24 January 13, 2014 3:55 pm
Re: Theme for Week 4 -Shared Melody (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Sure, as long as nobody else wants to do it
I'd much rather destroy someone else's melody than my own, this time.
25 January 10, 2014 5:03 pm
Re: What are you listening to? (2014 thread) (72 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Interesting topic, considering all the different tastes I assume hide out around here...
The new Raime album, Quarter Turns Over a Living Line, constantly kills me with its precise but seemingly effortless sound design. Also, it's kind of a terrifying listen.
Also, the new COH record, Retro-2038 is a typically genius pseudo-dance monster, even though I can't find anyone else who likes him.
26 January 8, 2014 7:59 pm
Re: Gear Porn aka post pics from your studio (95 replies, posted in General Discussion)
27 January 7, 2014 5:10 pm
Re: Reply to comment in song section? (9 replies, posted in Site Help)
I second what jjensen23 said: the site is fantastic.
Thanks for all your work, t80.
28 January 6, 2014 5:19 pm
Topic: Reply to comment in song section? (9 replies, posted in Site Help)
Is there a way to properly respond to someone's comment/question in the track post area, so that they'll get a notification?
I see that the forums have a 'quote' feature but it isn't in the track area, that I can see.