Currently 0 tracks with 0 comments! Excellent!
18 January 13, 2020 3:44 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
onezero wrote:I uploaded on time, but...didn't listen to the track after I'd rendered it. For some very strange reason known only to Ableton, a bunch of channels are just missing from the final. Could I get a code to re-upload the file? Thank you!
Sure thing!
Awesome! Thank you!
19 January 13, 2020 3:15 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
I uploaded on time, but...didn't listen to the track after I'd rendered it. For some very strange reason known only to Ableton, a bunch of channels are just missing from the final. Could I get a code to re-upload the file? Thank you!
20 January 5, 2020 7:01 pm
Re: What kind of setup you guys use? (36 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I typically use Ableton Live/Suite as my multitrack DAW. Instrumentation depends on the week--some are all-in-the-box with Ableton Suite instruments, while most end up using physical bass and guitar. Sometimes I'll use Max/MSP instead, stream that to the drive, and then tweak levels in Live.
This year, I've picked up an acoustic guitar (built by Steve Chipman of after years of not having one, so I'll likely be incorporating that in some pieces. (Actually using a mic has been unusual for me in WB, since direct recording solves the problem of bleed from elsewhere in the house and the problem of waking people up if I'm recording late.)
21 January 3, 2020 10:14 pm
Re: 2020 - Intentions? (58 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Primary goal is to keep hitting one track per week. Also...more composition from a chord-change point of view, rather than dwell-on-one-tonal-center...but you never know.
A couple new guitars came to me this year (acoustic parlor and a new electric), so I'll be making an effort to use them. I can relate to the "don't wait for the last minute" goal!
22 December 5, 2019 2:57 am
Re: See you guys in 2020?? (51 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm down!
23 December 31, 2018 4:44 pm
Re: Happy almost-new-year! (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Usually WB takes the odd years off, but I'll keep going over at WB-er leafo's site
24 December 30, 2018 8:38 pm
Topic: Happy almost-new-year! (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Congratulations, everybody! Here's to making it through the year! I'm sorry I didn't get as much of a chance to listen and comment, but I do intend to go back and do more listening and commenting. Thank you all for listening!
25 October 29, 2018 11:36 pm
Re: Spreading the love (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
This is a great idea. (Just started breaking my comment-drought because of this thread. Thank you!)
26 May 21, 2018 2:26 pm
Re: How does everyone keep on top on listening to each other's tracks (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
So this is something I have always struggled to keep on top of listen to everyone's track.
What tips can people suggest to tackle this task?
Definitely feel somewhat guilty I have fallen so far behind on listen.
You and me both!
I find that sometimes I can listen at work, but I have to avoid commenting--I can make more thoughtful comments if I keep a little text file log of tracks to get back to later. Sometimes, though, if I'm working on something difficult or something requiring a lot of new learning...I can't listen to weekly tracks at work, and need to listen to something familiar instead.
As the year goes on and people drop off the weekly submission list, does get a bit easier to get to most of them!
27 January 28, 2018 11:09 pm
Re: what were you working on just before WB18 started up? (16 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I was doing a track a week at Leafo's Streak Club, but also starting a new band with a friend, with me doing lead-guitar-dude stuff. Rehearsals have been really good; just have to get a rhythm section together.
28 January 1, 2018 11:42 pm
Re: Can I change my username? (141 replies, posted in Site Help)
hello - i'm recording as "kaedo sevaada" now
Welcome back!
29 December 27, 2017 5:23 pm
Re: M4a (AAC) format? (16 replies, posted in Site Help)
Trash80 wrote:Nevermind. I just added m4a support since it seems that everyone supports it I think, hopefully.
Thanks mate.
It means a lot.
The m4a format is basically the mp4 format, minus the video aspects. In 2006, m4a had extremely limited capability with anything that wasn’t iTunes or an iPod/Mac. The mp3 was king. 11 years later, the m4a format has far, FAR greater compatibility. It’s also the superior lossy compression format. An m4a file at 256kbps will sound EXACTLY like an MP3 at 320kbps. This means we can upload a 320kbps m4a and have far superior sound quality to the 320kbps mp3, or we can upload a longer piece at 256kbps m4a while still remaining within that 16mb filesize limit.
And today I learned some new stuff. Thank you for breaking that down!
30 December 17, 2017 7:52 pm
Re: Who's doing this next year? (73 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Nice logo!
31 December 12, 2017 6:46 pm
Re: Who's doing this next year? (73 replies, posted in General Discussion)
oh snap are we doing this again in 2018?!?!?!?!?!
Looks like!
(Team 52/52/52/52 checkin' in...)
32 December 11, 2017 3:06 am
Re: The year is 2017 (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hey, everybody! (I've been active at Leafo's Steak Club project: )