Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by onezero
Topics by onezero
Posts found: 1-16 of 108
minaret_kid wrote:thank you.
Kedbreak136 wrote:Thank you! I’m in! 
spry wrote:With any luck, I'll see yall back here for 2024 
Aletheia wrote:Oh nice, I was wanting to write you if you'll do another
See you there!
Excellent! See you all over there!
Unlike WB, submissions go live right away, and it's not a hard deadline. (It's also a slightly later deadline.) I'm looking forward to being able to listen, too!
Happy 2023! If you're wondering how you can keep going with a weekly music challenge this year, I have a challenge opening up at https://streak.club/s/1649/weekly-music-2023. Everyone's welcome!
Aday wrote:mod-note- (Posted in Discord)
Thank you again!
It turns out that I moved two clips slightly out of time before uploading. Would it be possible to get a re-upload link? Thank you!
Welcome back, everyone! (I haven't started this week's yet, but...I kept up a steady pace through 2021, including hour-or-so-long weekly performances. So...not too rusty.)
Thank you, Orangedrink! Fantastic video!
Aday wrote:Kedbreak136 wrote:Oh! I had not noticed it was happening only on even numbered years! What am i gonna do next year??? 
http://streak.club/ ?
(we tried that.... hit or miss for some, doesn't have that same flavour as weeklybeats tho)
WB member Leafo operates streak.club,, and they did a weekly streak there in 2017. I started one over there for 2019, and...what the heck; I've just created one for 2021. Anyone's welcome to dip in!
Doing this week's live stream (the 21st!) in an hour and a half, at 8PM EDT on Monday August 3rd. http://onezeromusic.com:8000/stream.m3u
I uploaded before the deadline, but...something went really wrong with my conversion of my .aiff to .mp3, and the .mp3 is silent. Would it be possible to get an upload code? Thank you!
Update: Duh. The file's fine; just ran into some weird audio level state on my laptop. No upload code needed!
Still doing one in two hours (8PM EDT, 7PM Central, etc.) http://onezeromusic.com:8000. Server will start shortly before the performance.
OleJazzer wrote:Are you still doing this? I tried to listen in and couldn’t get to the server.
Still doing these Monday at 8PM, (GMT -4). Server goes on right before and off right after--it's an older icecast that I don't seem to be able to update right now. Archives are going up at https://snwv.bandcamp.com.
Thank you for stopping by to listen! I'll post here next week with a convenient link.
rdomain wrote:So how does Blackhole compare to Soundflower? First time I've heard of it but it reads well.
I'd never gotten Soundflower to work. I think it might not be as flexible as Soundflower, from what I'm hearing from friends who liked it...but BlackHole's a currently-developing project, while the free Soundflower project seems to have been abandoned for a while. (With BH, you can request features by filing a github issue.)
fc wrote:I love the idea! I was planning on livestreaming on the weekend just gone but... didn't. Can I ask what you're using to do it?
Sure! I'm using guitar into a Max/MSP patch. I'm routing audio output with Existential Audio's free BlackHole, which is a lot easier to work with than Jack. As far as Max is concerned, audio goes to a BlackHole Device.
Next in line is the acronymic Broadcast Using This Tool, which receives from the BlackHole device, and it streams to an IceCast server I installed on a cloud instance.
How's everyone doing? For those of us in countries where we're socially isolating (or even sheltering in place...or in quarantine), a lot of people are live streaming from their houses or practice spaces, which is a good way of building connection.
Last Monday (the 16th), I started doing a one-hour audio-only live stream from 8-9 PM EDT (GMT-4). This will be at http://onezeromusic.com:8000. (I start the server right before the performance and shut it down right after.) Archives go up at https://snwv.bandcamp.com shortly afterward.
Post your live stream URL and date/time in this thread!
fc wrote:Apologies to everybody for not commenting on anything so far this week. I've been swamped.
Seconded. Whoo, do I have a lot of listening to catch up on.
Posts found: 1-16 of 108