LowbrowAnthony wrote:

I'm voting for 80s pop at some point this year.  Doesn't have to be this week, I just really hope it happens at some point.

Yep, I'll definitely submit some 80s pop, regardless of theme!

Tristan Louth-Robins wrote:

Not to have a go at anyone here, but I'm a bit averse to the whole 'like/heart/favourite/vote-up' scenario you see everywhere these days.  I think it's a little more worthwhile for the recipient to receive feedback in the form of a comment and not something that involved a solitary click of the mouse.  Whilst the sentiment might be sincere, it's just not the same as receiving some nice words.

Yeah, this. I favourite stuff that I want to come back to later, and will give an actual comment on what I like about it. Just clicking 'like' is such a copout.

I've actually had a 13/8 rhythm in my head for the last few days. Can't wait to get it down!

Awesome stuff all round, but:

LowbrowAnthony wrote:

Not sure who else worked with the melody, but I had fun;

http://weeklybeats.com/#/lowbrowanthony … -is-caring

Like I said in the comment, this is actually really close to the unfinished track I ripped it from. So cool to hear someone actually do a good job at making the song that was in my head.

yan_g wrote:

Speaking of reversing samples, how about a reversed track? Or a track whose second half is the first half reversed?
Like, think both ways! 8)

Yeah I like this idea. I wanted to make a reversed track for wb anyway!

My suggestion: use only the freely available sounds that were used in the Seinfeld music (Korg M1 slap bass, Alesis HR16B pop and puh, etc).

Cool, no problem. I'm considering making a few more, of my bass guitars and acoustic instruments. I'll certainly use them for my own compositions, but I'll upload everything for you guys if you're interested..

Yeah, I've been thinking about experimenting with 15/8 and other various prog timings. Good motivation to do so! Might have to be more death metal though.

I've actually been working on a rather depressing alt-country song that I've been holding back on finishing because of all these themes, haha. Maybe theme for week 6 could be country.. haha!

For this week's track, I decided to make some metal guitar samples for use in Renoise, since I wanted to write some death metal but don't quite have the chops to play those ridiculous walking random sounding guitar riffs. They don't sound very realistic on their own, but underneath some good drum sounds they almost get there. Anyway, I thought I'd share them with you guys, if you're interested. I've uploaded them here (ZIP file, 82070222 bytes), feel free to use as you please, just show me the results!

Sounds included:
Power chord, open
Power chord, muted
Single rhythm note, open
Single rhythm note, muted
Single lead note, open
Single lead note, muted

Each instrument contains one sample per semitone (around a couple of octaves each), and the power chords and rhythm notes are doubletracked stereo. They're not perfect, but probably useful!

Also, I'm pretty new to creating Renoise instruments, so if you manage to improve it somehow, let me know!

Oh nice. I haven't even hooked my midi pickup up to any VST instruments yet (I mostly use it to control my QY70's sounds).. I really should get on it!

I'd say just do whatever you like with it. Slow it down, speed it up, change key, modify parts, etc. I see it as more of a starting point of inspiration rather than a strict guideline!


Computer Practice wrote:

METAL!!!!  Check ours out and let us know what you think...  obviously some room for improvement on bridge vocals haha! 
http://weeklybeats.com/#/computer+pract … lo-houston


Yeah, I have to admit one of the main reasons I signed up was so I could be part of the afterparty action!

Ok, here's something I grabbed from an old unfinished track. It's very simple, but I guess that's the point? It was originally from a track that had a bunch of chord progressions, ie. the melody stayed the same while the chords changed around it. Anyway, hope it's appropriate!


Awesome work overall, guys!

Hooray, listening now! Here's mine:

http://weeklybeats.com/#/pselodux/music … om-the-sky