(136 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ending the indoor soccer season and starting the outdoor soccer season a month later

find out what CC license it was released under, and submit with the same license


(62 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jiffypop23 wrote:

rules say songs have to be over 1 minute long, but then again who cares? right?

I think he meant you only have 30 seconds to create the song.

Also, I vote Grindcore Ducks.

and thus you are still stuck with only 30 seconds worth of song


(62 replies, posted in General Discussion)

rules say songs have to be over 1 minute long, but then again who cares? right?

making a return to WB hahah after missing a few weeks. i will continue with my nu disco-ish style


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

this is such a serious issue. people could lose literally NO MONEY AT ALL. devastating.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

"facetious"? thats the typical approach when someone tries to cover their ass. why cant you just report the songs? just because the admins dont operate at the speed of light doesnt mean that anythings being overlooked.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

youre a baby for saying that anyone who tries to contradict you can go "get fucked". how immature.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dont be a baby.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

give my stuff a listen, i will hook you up with stems as well


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah i uploaded a particularly long track this week so yall might wanna skip over a bunch of it. maybe all of it.

hahah most people wouldnt notice, but i will spray some hot tune all over you guys next week

Yelle - Que Veux Tu (Madeon Remix)
if you dont understand french thats cool, i dont and i appreciate this song more than anything

mayhem was supposed to play in my town..but they wanted like $2000 just for food and booze

chances are i wont finish in time. id rather release something of quality than force something bad out. thats kind of what i did with my first one.


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im impressed by all the songs ive been listening to so far this week, i feel like im not up to where everyone else is skill-wise