(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If that link does not work just go to music tab and search by year filter.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dkstr wrote:
george bowles wrote:

and this band i've been into since their 2nd album, Orannsi Pazuzu (really tripped out pink floydish black metal for no other way to describe it).

Go Finland!

I havent really heard too much new music this year, but been listening a lot of band called Teksti-TV 666, they do psychedelic rock with good amounts of punk and krautrock stuff thrown in. Heres their new song.

https://soundcloud.com/teksti-tv-666/si … et-ristiin

coool, thanks! am always looking to hear some krautrock.

how dare you

haha, but yeah, i spinned off on what little-scale posted about weekly beats released into official releases.... both some great ongoing threads this year i hope smile

i have some longer format improvised music i have been working on that would not fit in to a wb release. http://eidrecords.bandcamp.com just released a improvised classic prog for those into that sort of thing.

next up i will release what i'm very excited about, a free jazz trio on rock instruments, so maybe a free power trio? had it mastered to tape because i am a wasteful spender tongue

I have a few other things I have been working on besides weeklybeats if anyone is interested. also, post your non-wb related 2016 material throughout the year.

my drone/noise/industrial/soundtrack (duo with vocalist/keyboardist): https://ampyre.bandcamp.com/album/reaches

also, i have a recurring project called Ch.I.M.P. where i create a spreadsheet containing around 20 musicians i have met in chicago, and i roll 4d20 to determine a lineup. they then record for a few hours in probable one off set for that particular lineup on a date and location decided by the band within a few weeks of rolling. have done 3 so far: https://chicagoimp.bandcamp.com/

i have a 3 piece guitar/bass/drums free jazz thing coming out as well, the goal was to stay away from rock music but still in a rock format. i'll post that later.

good idea, i haven't released anything yet from this year but i'm sure i will. nice to have running threads smile


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

alonemusic wrote:

I'm eagerly awaiting the new album from Black Peaks and I got very excited to hear there is a new The Field LP on the way... and Deftones.. and maybe even Nine Inch Nails... Its a good time to be me.

Currently on rotation I have lots of Bowie (for Bowie reasons, plus its ace, particularly Heroes, Lodger and Earthling) and have also been spinning the new album by The Black Queen, which is synth pop with Josh Eustis producing and Greg from Dillenger Escape Plan on vox. Its yummy.

I'm always interested to hear what direction Reznor takes NIN. my favorites remain in the 90s, and the ghosts series. i don't hate the 21st century material, it's just underwhelming compared to the other stuff i mentioned.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i just picked up the vinyl one too, updated for 64 bit


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

what is everyone digging from 2016? So far I am into the new Tortoise album and this band i've been into since their 2nd album, Orannsi Pazuzu (really tripped out pink floydish black metal for no other way to describe it). another heavy EP that just dropped this year was a new Krallice release, some of their best material yet. also since it is still early in the year i am thinking a lot about what came out last year.

here is the first of my best of 2015 lists http://8tracks.com/baba-deep/2015-shoegaze-noiserock

if there's a song on that playlist then i thought the whole album was really superb. this is just my favorite shoegaze or similarly styled genres. gotta make another one for electronic/experimental and of course a heavy metal playlist.

anyways, there is a ton of great albums on the way this year, always fun to hear new ones


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

glad people are posting their tracks for this in the thread, i couldn't tell when i listened to everything if anyone did it. http://weeklybeats.com/#/george+bowles/ … n-elements


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

finished this week's early too, it's a weird one. total space theme.


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mine is turning out really weird


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think we've decided that we are only doing themes on the last week of the month


(18 replies, posted in Site Help)

Arcana wrote:

Anyone here do Ludum Dare before? They have a nice ranking criteria that they call "Coolness" that is a ratio of Comments on others vs. Comments received. Not sure what the exact formula is, but basically if you leave more comments on other songs, but don't receive comments, your featured-ness goes higher and higher.

The end effect is that the person who leaves a lot of comments for others, but doesn't have many comments themselves will be featured and will thus be exposed for more commenters who are looking for songs to listen to.

I like the system because it greatly encourages someone to listen and review on other people's tracks. The more reviewing they do, the bigger chance they'll get comments in return.

that sounds like a cool way to do it, what is the dare?


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(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'm in