(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mixer feedback


(77 replies, posted in General Discussion)

14/13 inverting into 13/14 is what youll hear from me. surprisingly not as off kilter as id expected.


(77 replies, posted in General Discussion)

was doing the 2d20 thing back in 2012, it works surprisingly well!


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I even made a short "film" with the melody check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRWr1LB … e=youtu.be


(312 replies, posted in General Discussion)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRWr1LB … e=youtu.be

absolutely no 4/4

squeakyneb wrote:

CLINKSTER big_smile

Also MeowSynth is possibly the cutest synth I've ever seen.

thanks looks like a cool synth.

I'll make a post of all the vst's I use at some point

Pselodux wrote:

Oh nice. I haven't even hooked my midi pickup up to any VST instruments yet (I mostly use it to control my QY70's sounds).. I really should get on it!

yeah I use angelina quite a bit! I like how it is available both as a regular vst/effect and vst/i

I have been getting into vst instruments since I got a midi guitar

yep I has those... tal is one of my favs


i find myself using this quite a bit as a very last touch to my mastering... but I don't even really know what it does to the sound. I'm sure it's something somewhat generic. I don't always use it, but usually it does make a difference... more on the enhance side though. I'm just hoping that I'm not actually making my mastering job worse by using it if it is something not good.

any good ones that I am missing?


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

which appears to be now defunct... damn


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

there was no 2013, except for this: http://www.12eps.com


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

turned out pretty good http://weeklybeats.com/#/george+bowles/ … ed-by-zero