Distance is no excuse!
Thanks man.
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Distance is no excuse!
Thanks man.
Hey dudes and dudettes,
Remember the WB I submitted called "Bells Sketch #1"? Well, the non-sketch version of that is being played regularly on the Federation Bells in Melbourne, behind Federation Square, usually in the morning or the evening, for the next couple of months. It's called "Winter" and was realised in Max/MSP and Logic. I haven't had time to go and listen to the piece myself, yet, but some of you expressed interest in it so here is a notification!
If you head in, let me know. Or if you want to know a specific day/time for performance, let me know! Happy to reply to emails and stuff.
http://weeklybeats.com/#/vinpous/music/bells-sketch-1 <-- the piece in question
I really like WB's community. I think it's made it possible to connect with a couple of people of like-mindedness that I'd perhaps not have, without it.
Why would we not? What's so dark about week 51?
Party at tiasu's house.
Also, I've planned my week 52 piece already, just have to remember to do it then and not come up with a sudden storm of brilliance for one of my other remaining weeks.
Next year - hm, yeah, not sure if I would do something similar to WB or not. I like the idea and have enjoyed (and got a lot out of) this year, but I struggle for time most weeks now and next year I assume will be worse.
Inspired by cTrix, but not at all related, I decided to release my first EP compilation of WB material via bandcamp, name your price! I'm very excited, after however many years and however many demos of various materials, and playing in bands with albums or EPs out in the world, I've finally released something of my own. This will be release number one of three, which is one big project (thanks, WB!), after that... it's about time I put some classical music out.
Dude that's awesome! What a great idea!
Also, Awave Studio seems to have soundfont editing functionality.
It sounds as though the MIDI map is incorrect in what sample it links to... hm... no idea how to fix though, sorry!
Perhaps some of the links at the bottom of the Wiki entry will be enlightening?
I'm not really sure how the particular set that you're using works, but sometimes there are just folders of wav or aif (or other) files. But yeah, not sure beyond that.
Is it worth extracting the samples from the kit and loading them into your own sampler? (Kontact, Logic's sampler, etc)
Logic has one too, though I've never used it.
/useless post.
So, first I'd suggest an orchestration book if you have the motivation.
Second: http://www.dolmetsch.com/musictheory30.htm
Third, guitar is a transposing instrument (pitch sounds an octave lower than written).
This has the basics of the instrument (ranges, etc) http://www.musicianwages.com/music-notation-for-guitar/
Shame about the sick though, Poppi.
FWW: moved into new place, near the beach. It was not our first choice by a long shot, but now that we're here, it's the best place ever. Plus, power was connected when we moved in! AND the dude from Telstra who has tried to rectify my lack of internet's name is Dingo.
Is it a suite?
Hahaha, no, though now you mention it I didn't even notice it! I got the idea from watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade the other night.