That was really cool.
yep.. that too was very inspirational / Forums / Posts by Phil Harmonic
That was really cool.
yep.. that too was very inspirational
So awesome
Thanks for the info - it sounds like I ought to shrink the stereo width. Can I use Audacity to do that ? What effect or option is that under ?
hmm not sure if audacity has something for that. there are tons of plugins for that though. just make sure its not something that is adding delays or comb filters.. try the free one on this page the "stereo contractor." I havent used that one, but it looks promising.
Brackleforth wrote:I have a question about a specific VST that I'm using. It's called CVPiano GVI modeled
It seems to take high notes and pan them to the right, while low notes get panned to the left. The pan option is set on center though.
I don't want the high notes panned so hard to the right. What should I do?a lot of piano synths and keyboards try to simulate the way a real piano is. When you are sitting at a piano the lower sounds are toward your left and the higher sounds toward your right, with the middle octave in the center. It is acceptable to leave it like this, but a reverb is usually necessary to make it gel. also, if the separation seems too much then there are tools you can use to shrink the stereo width. If there are really low (below 100hz) stereo sounds i would suggest using an eq to roll them off a little..
oh also. .remember.. there are really no real rules. just rules of thumb.. your ears are the best decider.. for stereo stuff.. a good set of headphones helps a lot.. the stereo field does not have to be completely mono in the bass and sub region. but it generally sounds wonky if it gets too wide.. USE YOUR EARS!
I have a question about a specific VST that I'm using. It's called CVPiano GVI modeled
It seems to take high notes and pan them to the right, while low notes get panned to the left. The pan option is set on center though.
I don't want the high notes panned so hard to the right. What should I do?
a lot of piano synths and keyboards try to simulate the way a real piano is. When you are sitting at a piano the lower sounds are toward your left and the higher sounds toward your right, with the middle octave in the center. It is acceptable to leave it like this, but a reverb is usually necessary to make it gel. also, if the separation seems too much then there are tools you can use to shrink the stereo width. If there are really low (below 100hz) stereo sounds i would suggest using an eq to roll them off a little..
depressed blah.
feel better, champ
Here's this week's stats, i've added a couple of things to my script. (Sending it to you shortly jiffpop23).
59 artists in week 30
Total artists this year as of week 30: 252
32 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 30
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic Derris-Kharlan Lomz spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY AKADUNGEONMASTER iran sanad bleo vinpous sinewave infradead PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Lazerbeat Neil Carnegie phesago EuphoricNoise BrackleforthThe script also counts how many new artists joined this week, but this week there weren't any... 2 new last week though, so we're still drawing newcomers. Have a great week
welcome newcomers.. and cheers guys for sticking it out.. even if you havent gone all 30
I had tech issues (phone/modem not working) which meant I missed the deadline, may I please have an upload link.
Also, can you please tell me how long the l link will remain active for, I'm working the majority of the rest of the day.
Thank you,
here you go c2aa5cb7f3
it will remain active until you use it. it can only be used to upload once.
like the nut cracker?
Hahaha, no, though now you mention it I didn't even notice it! I got the idea from watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade the other night.
go back and listen again. my coworker noticed it right away haha first listen.
frolicking around like an idiot.
feels good
frolicking like a genius is equally fun
The most famous scream in the history of the world in cheesy electronic renditions of ideas expressed by Ligeti? I think so!
Taking kitsch to a whole new level...
haha. did you get the idea because i used the wilhelm in the bath salt blues?
ah ok.. here's a link for week 29 10cd89c9a3
eh? did the link not work? this week was week 29.. you said you needed one for last week
i posted when i got my computer back up and running :-\ i was gone all day at work and was supposed to get off an hour before the deadline and didnt.. i recorded it a few days ago but i was just a dunce about uploading it. i dont want to drop out!!
k. this link is for week 28