Phil Harmonic wrote:Much pity! so link.
Very upload. Wow.
257 April 23, 2014 4:55 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
258 April 22, 2014 3:56 pm
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Hi there,
I'm out of town, limited to a tablet, and am getting a friend to upload for me. I screwed up the settings in the app for this week and he wasn't able to download the file - and I didn't know this until after the deadline.
Can a guy get a pity link?
Much pity! so link.
259 April 21, 2014 4:15 pm
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Poppi wrote:Hi again. I'm unable to upload my track for week 17, do I need to wait until 10am tomorrow (EST deadline) before I can upload again?
Listen today, upload tomorrow. Yes, no uploads on Monday.
yep :>
260 April 21, 2014 7:30 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Phil Harmonic wrote:Thanks Jack.
261 April 21, 2014 1:12 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
My phone/modem died and I missed the deadline, may I please have a link?
262 April 21, 2014 12:10 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Same old story uploading Sunday nights from my crappy mobile link. My upload stalled twice this time. I tried pressing submit before the mp3 was completely uploaded, but nothing happened.
Tried again. Week 16 went online but my file isn't listed. Could I reupload, please?
Thanks in advance
263 April 16, 2014 1:34 am
Re: Animated GIFs (19 replies, posted in General Discussion)
First, so many congratulations to all of the people who seem to have an inexhaustible supply of animated gifs for comments. But I must confess that I'm a bit old and am out of touch with the young ones these days. So I was hoping someone could explain the animated gif movement to me, in gifs (or text)?
Where does it originate? What does it mean?
Like everything else, they originate from cats
264 April 15, 2014 7:39 pm
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Phil Harmonic wrote:Sorry man, your track was removed due to copyright violation.
Vocals were from a talk-radion broadcast. Copyright violation?
you didnt credit which broadcast it was and usually that stuff is copyrighted.
265 April 15, 2014 3:59 pm
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Can I get a response, please? When I checked the upload status before the due date for week 15, I saw "Your upload will go live in… 2 days,etc. etc., 1 day, etc.etc,," then… nada.
And now. also… nada.
Sorry man, your track was removed due to copyright violation.
266 April 14, 2014 1:11 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
It worked! Thank you, you beautiful groundhog!
267 April 14, 2014 12:39 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Hi Phil, sorry for posting in the wrong thread earlier. I tried using the link you posted, but nothing seems to happen, even the normal upload button doesn't seem to work. I tried different browsers, but the same thing happens. Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
Hmm. not sure. Here's another one. Beyond giving you links, we'd have to ask mr.trash 80
268 April 14, 2014 12:20 am
Re: The old missed uploads sad story (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hi guys, I missed the upload window for a few minutes, can I still make it? I actually uploaded the song, but didn't hit the ok button.
Thank you!
here's your link.. but this is really the wrong thread for this.
269 April 14, 2014 12:17 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Hello Y'all!!!
I'm uploading this one (Week 15) over a mobile internet connection. Stalled a couple of times, posted near the deadline, but the form got frozen on 100%. Reloaded, but no song uploaded
Could I have a link to submit this week's stuff, please?
Thanks in advance
270 April 11, 2014 3:57 pm
Re: Dedicated to the Weekly Beats EP! (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
word yo! i look forward to listening to it while im at work today
271 April 7, 2014 3:55 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
Sorry I missed the deadline to upload because of daylight savings! Could you please give me a link to upload for week 14?
272 April 7, 2014 3:55 am
Re: You are missing a song? You messed up? We messed up? (1,915 replies, posted in Site Help)
I mean my track for this present week: WEEK 14 (Silver sky over Oslo)... The samplerate is messed up so it plays at tice the speed.
Thanks in advance!
ok. delete your track and use the following link to reupload: 3f04235914