Hey, hoping I can get an upload link. Had to miss the deadline due to being on honeymoon and having dinner with my wife.
Cheers in advance.
WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by eleventhstage
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Hey, hoping I can get an upload link. Had to miss the deadline due to being on honeymoon and having dinner with my wife.
Cheers in advance.
goddamn, managed to JUST miss the deadline for this week. Any chance I could get a link?
my mix'll be fucked to balls but so be it.
eleventhstage wrote:I have no idea why my latest song hasn't gone up. Absolutely sure I went through the upload process. Any chance I could get a link for week 4 please? that'd be awesome.
Week 4 isn't even live yet. You can just upload it right now from the front page or something.
good catch, turns out I have lost track of time to a worrying extent. ignore me.
I have no idea why my latest song hasn't gone up. Absolutely sure I went through the upload process. Any chance I could get a link for week 4 please? that'd be awesome.
I might take the plunge and try and build my sammichsid kit this coming weekend. I've been scared of destroying anything (a seemingly common occurrence for me when soldering hobby stuff) despite knowing what I'm doing overall soldering wise.
As a synth it seems ideal for me and I really hope it works.
I haven't been able to get a song in for week 4 and week 5. My laptop was out of comission last week starting on sunday night til yesterday.
Fucking infuriating. Hoping to get back into it this week as I wrote songs but just didn't get time to record them.
I've not turned on a game boy for a year or so.
Recorded everything I need in. I started 3 different loops with the same samples at 3 different tempo's but I think that the 95 BPM one sounds better so I just need to organise samples, arrange and mix the parts and then upload in like 2 hours for me.
Loving this challenge.
I'm hoping that I can work as quickly as usual and get this loop into a song tonight. Managed to make 2 ideas because of the octatrack so I need to find a way to chop them together.
One of my main plans is to master (as much as is possible) the OT and MDUW together.
The other is to get back into LSDJ as I've neglected it for a while due to the age-old cartridge issues.
No such thing as writer's block in my view. That's partly what this type of challenge is meant to show you.
Write anything, write everything you can, write when you can't.
Just write a song each week. Once you listen back to them I can guarantee that you will not dislike what you have written and instead you will probably find that what you thought was bad is, in hindsight, one of your better works.
Quite happy with mine. First song using the Octatrack and it expanded my musical sensibilities a lot, I was very much using my ears to figure out harmonies because it was all sample based. Also, a big step away from what I'm normally writing but I hope for more of this submissions style as well.
I've ended up using an Octatrack and samples from a challenge on the monome forums to make the first track (slightly fitting as I belonged to the chip forums and the elektron forums to bring in another I've frequented for the track).
I've gone in a completely different direction to a normal track by me and created loops on the OT and recorded them into ableton for sequencing and filtering bits and such. Gonna just check to see if I'm happy enough and then render and upload.
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