Well well well.... that was thoroughly enjoyable.
Agreed - I especially enjoyed the bits where you a LS were struggling to work out that ridiculous time signature of mine. That guitar signal that you had going into your lappy was so nice.
WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by Tristan Louth-Robins
Well well well.... that was thoroughly enjoyable.
Agreed - I especially enjoyed the bits where you a LS were struggling to work out that ridiculous time signature of mine. That guitar signal that you had going into your lappy was so nice.
Any thoughts on what peeps are bringing to this?
I’m thinking of bringing along my CZ-101 with the default lappy and a few cables in tow.
Following on from the last Stalker installment this week, during February I’ll turn my attention to sound sources such as gradients of noise, pure waves and resonances. I recently reacquainted myself with the code-based/basic GUI program CSound, so this will be my main vehicle…which in symbolic terms is a Soviet era automobile with strange esoteric levers and buttons. Fun!!!
However, I anticipate myself getting easily discouraged along the way, so I’ll keep max/msp on hand as my handicap.
Whilst I’m on the car analogy, let’s survey my arsenal:
Max/msp is my Lexus – all class.
Live is my Toyota – gets you from A to B.
Plogue Bidule is my car posing as a Lexus with questionable bodywork.
Peak LE is my mechanics workshop.
Garageband is my burnt out Datsun half submerged in a swamp.
The Tascam 424 Portastudio is my beloved horse and cart.
Shoes...must wear shoes.
..and trousers.
I'm down for this - give the long weekend and I'll have something for you!
little-scale wrote:Okay, so I've taken the liberty of booking the studio from 5PM until 9PM for this Saturday the 28th. Of course, this time can be changed and the session can be canceled, but I booked it because I am remembering about it now.
Awesome, it's a date.
But what will I wear?
Okay, so I've taken the liberty of booking the studio from 5PM until 9PM for this Saturday the 28th. Of course, this time can be changed and the session can be canceled, but I booked it because I am remembering about it now.
Awesome, it's a date.
Ooh. I'm good for any of those as long as they don't fall on office hours Wednesday to Friday. Saturday 28/1 or Sunday 29/1 any good?
I had to quicken my pace a bit this week - the concept came early on, but the execution/mix was finished over the last 48 hours. This week should be a bit more flexible, despite the punishing summer heat that's been bearing down on little Adelaide town over the past few days...and the next few days. Overnight minimum temperature of 28.5 C ...
Metal on metal.
+ 1
The world wasn't built on chip, peoples.
Following the tape stuff/stalker homage I can see the next month taking the form of more electronic material with an emphasis on natural sounds and field recordings - most likely via max/map, which I need to give so more love to. this will tie into other work I'm developing outside of weekly beats, so I'm approaching this project occasionally as a means of keeping everything focused and on track. from there I'm not sure of my direction, though there'll certainly be some songwriters stuff cropping up at some point. But so far so good...I'm having a ball here.
From globs of sound onward to peculiar dynamics and ghost echoes for wk 3.
The EMU is sounding like a pretty good option. I don't have access anymore though... (Which is amusing considering I'm still technically 'staff', lol)
Tristan: Hi, I'm not Sanad. I'm his sister. lol. Sanad's living in Melbz atm... sorry for the disappointing identity
Oh, whoops! OK..that would explain why I haven't seen him in a couple of years!
Uploaded - happy times.