I had a total fail this week, but I decided to stick to my guns and finish it even if it was crap. Though this week I'm on a head start today with something I like.
177 January 16, 2012 7:58 pm
Re: WEEK 02: How did it go? (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
178 January 16, 2012 4:34 pm
Re: Site suggestions (33 replies, posted in Site Help)
"Music you've commented on" filter brakes the "tag:week 2 2012" filter. tag filter garbages to "tag%3Aweek 2 2012" and the list shows all the music. only changing tag part of url manually works.
* navigate to any track from week 2
* click "week 2 2012" tag
* from the search filters reselect "None"
This bug is fixed now
179 January 16, 2012 1:04 am
Re: I barely made the deadline, but my song didn't upload (17 replies, posted in Site Help)
I hear ya, I upped mine earlier today and it seeems to have been eaten or disected and placed in cryogenic storage by some kind of internet pathologist ogre.
Your song was removed due to copyright issues.
180 January 12, 2012 8:38 am
Re: Zip of weekly files (24 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Will the RSS file thing just add each week to it (making one giant list of all songs throughout the year) or will the last week's entries get removed each week (making it just a list of the last week's songs)?
It will just add right now. might truncate it at some point if/when it becomes way too long. Not sure yet. No time, music make new submission.
181 January 10, 2012 8:13 pm
Re: Zip of weekly files (24 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Oh, and one thing that I noticed: the tweet says "140+" submissions but I only counted 136?
Yeah had to delete a few for now following the rules.
182 January 10, 2012 12:05 am
Re: HALP! It's 8:30PM on Sunday and it says i can't upload to Week one!!! (21 replies, posted in Site Help)
So the time is up on Sunday 0:00 but i have to wait another two days before i can upload the new track? Why?
No. 00:00:00 Monday, as says in the faq, is when songs are due and when last week's are launched. Then there is a 24 hour wait period before you can upload a track. If you finish a song within the first 24 hours of the week you are kind of missing the point.
183 January 9, 2012 7:49 pm
Re: Site suggestions (33 replies, posted in Site Help)
Edit: the player is now setup to mark if you've listened to the item. The database entries have been copied from the music item views so it will probably be a little off this week. Use the filter drop down to select items you've not listened to, or viewed, or or or
BTW: You'll have to refresh the site if you have not done so in awhile for this to work.
184 January 9, 2012 7:24 pm
Re: HALP! It's 8:30PM on Sunday and it says i can't upload to Week one!!! (21 replies, posted in Site Help)
maybe it should be 12 and not 24. dont know, just thought it would make more sense.
185 January 9, 2012 7:23 pm
Re: HALP! It's 8:30PM on Sunday and it says i can't upload to Week one!!! (21 replies, posted in Site Help)
its a 24 hour wait period. when the counter gets to 5+ days, aka 4 hours and 36 mins from the time of this post.
186 January 9, 2012 6:17 pm
Re: Site suggestions (33 replies, posted in Site Help)
As for my ideas, how about adding some sort of key to the songs in the song list that marks them as having been listened to and/or commented on (by yourself)? Maybe even three color keys for listened to/commented on/listened to, but not commented on.
So there is a dropdown to the right of the search bar. You can selected "commented on" etc. I just added in "haven't viewed" and at the moment it doesn't count if you've heard the track in the mp3 player. I'm also going to add a:visited colors to the page, but I have a feeling that is not going to work.
Also I guess this could be a bug report (I'm not sure how the player is supposed to behave): Sometimes when playing through the song list, the queue randomly jumps a few songs back or forth instead of just going to the next song. I wouldn't mind this, but when keeping track of what you've listened it's quite an annoyance. I am using google chrome, if that is relevant.
If the music player was launched, and the page was changed to a different area, and then you nav'd back to the music area, the music area's default sort may have changed. You can avoid this behavior by clicking on title, or date, or # comments in the headings of the list so that the sorting is the same when you nav back to the page. The mp3 player's playlist will match whatever the music page's list was when you clicked a play button icon.
187 January 9, 2012 6:03 pm
Re: Zip of weekly files (24 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I don't see that in Safari. What's the direct URL to the music feed?
I'm going to change it though, it lack the week #. Maybe prepend it to the song names or something. TO THE RESEARCH!
Edit: fixed.
188 January 9, 2012 5:57 pm
Re: Zip of weekly files (24 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I don't see that in Safari. What's the direct URL to the music feed?
You do see it, its the first of the 3 gigantic squares above the logo on the right.
It links to http://weeklybeats.com/music/rss ... in itunes, go to the "Advanced" drop down, select "Subscribe to podcast", paste in the url, click ok.
189 January 9, 2012 5:36 pm
Re: Zip of weekly files (24 replies, posted in General Discussion)
OH! Another thing is you can collect all the songs into iTunes/etc by subscribing to the RSS Music feed by using the link at the top of the page, to the left of the twitter and facebook icons.
190 January 9, 2012 5:30 pm
Re: Site suggestions (33 replies, posted in Site Help)
Also note it didn't seem that hard to follow before there was over 100 submissions! Wasn't expecting such a turn out.
191 January 9, 2012 5:28 pm
Re: Site suggestions (33 replies, posted in Site Help)
I agree on the listens, the problem is I'd have to attach it to the mp3 player as well as the item page. It is possible, just a bit more time to do it.
As far as comments and artists, you can already- Use the "Filter" dropdown on the music page.
192 January 9, 2012 7:56 am
Re: Headphones... Help me out! (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Trash don't get the Beyerdynamic's, they're low and high freq heavy, the dynamics aren't right. The Sennheisers are closer what you want (which would ideally be some high end *NS-10s*
:):) barf not, )But really the AKGs will fall apart on you in two years.
The 880s dont seem too bad though, comparing the freq responses. It's the open ear I'm sure that gives it the less weird bassyness.
I'm still thinking about which.
I gave up on headphones a long time ago, and use --insert flat active speaker-- for checking compression and eq, then use a cheapo yet indestructible pair of Philips SHP2500s, so cheap in fact you can get a second pair for the vocalist your recording, and they have a built in volume control on the cable, for general phoning.
Right. Of course I wasn't planning on mastering only with them, just for composition so I don't irritate others around me. I have some decent cheap headphones too, was just looking at more of a keep it flat and comfortable solution. Food for thought though.