Central VA

Some of my most cherished moments are those I have spent sitting around, exhausted, perhaps on the verge of falling asleep, just playing with sounds and improvising.  There's no way to recreate the feeling with a recording - every note makes sense while you play it, but never when heard again.  Oh well.  I recorded the last few minutes before I passed out one night this week and turned that in.  It's not much, but it's what I did this week, I spent a great deal of time playing and loving it, very little time writing something that will be played again.

Adelaide, South Australia

I had plenty of time, but found myself lacking inspiration a bit. My time might get tighter in a few weeks, when uni kicks back in and a little more work starts rolling in, not to mention the short film score I may be getting commissioned to do.

We'll see, I guess, how things go, but right now I'm just floundering a bit, looking for inspiration >.<


totally bullshitted mine since the one I started, well, I wanted to work on it more and didn't have the time this week


I have distortion issues recording with my firewire sound card so I couldn't record anything else than my Game Boy. I was sick on the times I planned to make so I had to schedule unplanned music session to come up with a track I started a week ago and quickly finalised it 6 hours before deadline. I might get back to it but it's already not that bad as it is.


I'm just grateful to be keeping up!

Think this week's was more of a technical exercise, but pretty pleased with the textures that came out of it... Already feel like I know a lot more about Renoise three weeks in than I did when I started!

Philadelphia, PA

Whew! It gets a little harder every week to come out with something that's not only complete but, has a feeling of originality! What sucks is getting past wednesday/thursday and realizing that the masterpiece you've been working on is nowhere near as good as you thought it'd be when you first heard it in your head on Monday!


I failed this week. Time wasn't on my side at all and, to my shame, I turned nothing in.

Madison, Alabama

I was out of town all weekend (and I have no portable recording capabilities) so I had less time than the previous weeks as well.  I would have liked to spend more time on my track, but it was still fun, and I am still pretty happy with the results.

And I'm really impressed with the submissions this week!


It's going well. I don't really feel that it is difficult to put out a song every week... Compositionally wise, I have no issues. I spend most of my time just trying to get the right drums, and volume levels. Because that is my weakest area.

The future

My song was OK this week. I always end up waiting until the last minute and rushing. Im sad that more people didnt comment on my track.. it seems like there are a few people that get all the comments because everyone already loves them and then everyone else gets nothing :<. I think my favorite track this week was a not so commented track by 'protman'. it was creative and different and made me physically get out of my bed to comment on it.  anyways.. heart you guys. keep up the good work.


I am sad I had to be out of town all week, as my submission this week would have been pretty good had I had more than a hour to mess with it, last sunday that is.

Anyway, as always there is tons of great stuff!

Cincinnati, Ohio

I really enjoyed the writing, recording, and performing of this weeks song, but i feel like the final product is somehow lacking.. cant really put my finger on it.  I wasn't really rushed and i liked all the things i did to make it.  i feel like im missing something still..


this week i kind of just finished something up early so i could try to work on other stuff. i think i had it done in the first 3 days. i can't even really remember what it sounds like, but i remember it was about the mini panic attacks i'd been having lately.

i was hoping to get a good head start on this weeks track, but it's gonna take more time than i thought. i'm really looking forward to getting that one done. the thing that sucks about a song a week deadline is it's making it harder for me to spend time on learning new programs.

The Wisconsin

I've never had the problem of not being able to finish a tune after returning to it, later in the week. Why? Because I'm a tightwad who currently is using the demo version of FL Studio with no save... Yeah, I kinda suck at this whole music design thing, so far. My notes aren't as bad as my techniques and habits. Not to mention, I've had very little musical training. I just kinda sit down and write what I think sounds good.


I work a full time job and spend the few hours I have at the gym so I write in between the cracks. This week I think I made a killer song but I doubt all my songs will be 100% epic quality. Not because i am not trying but because there isn't always enough time. I prob spend about 7 hours during a busy week writing. I am also working on other songs and projects too so i don't always have 7 hours to dedicate to one song. This week I will admit feels more like a laboring task than fun but as soon as I fire up the old DMG and I hear the progress I have made I am back in it to when it.


I tend to write about 4 or 5 songs simultaneously (probably explains my stupidly high output last year) but since starting WeeklyBeats I've refused to let myself write more than one at once. Why? Because it means come the following week I've come up with so many ideas I want to try from the previous week that I'm literally gagging to start writing. No joke, the SECOND it hit midnight monday morning this week, I began work on my track. I foresee another midnight session this coming monday too,but it's keeping both my momentum and enthusiasm for the project high.