Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Tone Matrix's music / Through Thick and Thin

Through Thick and Thin

By Tone Matrix on October 5, 2024 9:53 pm

Hello there. smile
These past 7 days were a bit of a changeup compared to my usual weeks at home this year.
Back in 2012-2016ish me and 2 of my friends ran a small food truck (an ’86 Grumman pic below).
We sold all kinds of empanadas, steak and shrimp skewers, mac n cheese balls, ceviche, fried plantains and pulled pork tacos to name a few.
It was probably thee most demanding job physically I’ve ever had but it was also the most rewarding (not so much financially lol).
It definitely makes a difference when your “boss” is your best friend and you’ve known him since 3rd grade.  So shouting at each other is allowed tongue
My friends Bruno and Luis both went to school for their careers.  I was thrown into the fire just by luck and needing an extra hand.  But in those years I learned so much about cooking and the food service industry.  Hence it was my fav job ever and just about the only one that understood that I wasn’t always “on” or “ready’.  You didn’t clock in or out you just wanted the business to succeed and to get to that next event. 

So Luis has been living up north in Central Florida (we are down in South Fl, Miami) for awhile now and it had been a long time since we all had hung out together.
During the food truck run we basically saw each other every day and night since we had to constantly prep food for events taking place the next night.  So you learn a lot about each other being stuck in a tiny kitchen and an even tinier food truck for hours on end.  Imagine 3 bodies trying to shimmy and shake around each other.  I quickly learned the dance word… “BEHIND!!!” Me as I took an order with sweat dripping from my head (cuz bald and humid miami), Bruno explaining how we prepared a dish to a customer while also adding finishing touches to the plated order and Luis sweating his @$$ off as he tried to tame the fryer from hell we had in the truck.  No AC like the newer fancy trucks and no speaker system.  We had a boom box that was stuck in demo lights mode playing my phone’s music.  We also learned quick that crispy frazzled onions were not fun to clean up in a fryer reallll quick.  But i digest….. tongue

Most nights before an event we would have family meal together with Bruno’s family and all of us.  I was going through some tough times before I started with them and this was a great way to find some consistency and distraction from everything.
So as I realize I rambled wayyyyy more than I intended i’ll try and sum this up as best as I can.  The food truck crew was reunited for a full 10 days this time and we had a blast.  My body is a bit angry at me since apparently my usual hermit mode of sitting hunched at a computer screen was not the healthiest for me this year. 
We had multiple family meals, movie viewings and all the fun stuff we used to do together as 3 friends in a tiny yellow food truck.

I am very thankful for the few friends I still have.  Few is fine, it’s the close and understanding kind of friends that matter most and thankfully those 2 have helped me through a lot.  There is nothing either of us wouldn’t do for the other.  When one is in the hospital, the others are there visiting etc..

Which meanssss I haven’t done diddly with music all week.  I definitely need to catch up on tracks yikes
But as I sat Saturday afternoon at the keys I thought about how I was already missing them knowing I was going back to hermit mode for a bit.
I thought about how grateful I am that they have stuck by me even though most times I can barely get myself out the door.  Once I do and I just hang with them things start to feel a bit more at ease and it’s like we’re back in the kitchen prepping again.  It isn’t the answer, but it sure helps get through those tough days.

So the few chords I smeared out yesterday for this week’s noodle are with them in mind. Also I have appeared to return from space this week.  No OMMMbiance, no crickets and no space dust sized reverbage.  Plain old Pianoodles tongue
Thank you for reading this rambly incoherent description. 
I hope you are well and enjoying spooktober smile  time to go pray to Thor that this next hurricane doesn’t go anymore south and that it doesn’t strengthen yikes Supposedly arriving by Tues/Wed

ps. this text desc looked much smaller in the tiny white box before seeing it go live yikes eep!

**dives back into hermit hole**

"Putt Putt" - The lil yellow truck that could (at least until the highway killed it)

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)

Well, this is a lovely noodle, and I'm glad you got to spend some time with old friends.  It's always nice to share that kind of connection and unplug from the interwebs, and just be in the world with people you care about. 

Such a sweet trick, track and truck combined with the fascinating story you were telling. I am happy for you spending time with your old friends. I had a similar nice meeting with an old buddy this week. I know him for 35 years now. He just came back to Germany (after spending a year in Mexico practicing “monochord” treatments), to sell everything here and moving into an oldtimer fire engine, in which he wants to live and travel, when he is back in Mexico. He prefers the easy lifestyle there and the friendly people.
The pianotrack goes fantastically well with the memories I am having of that evening with my good old friend.

That was a fantastic story of a tough job but with great friends, that’s the best! It must have been both intense and so rewarding, feeling like you’re alive. That is so important especially when we reach midlife and need to put our ears to the ground and listen to the dumdumdum of the psyche pounding or raise your ear and listen to the whispers of your soul. They’re calling and it’s your duty to listen.

Beautiful track. I comment often that they remind me of the quieter piano pieces of NIN and this is another perfect example. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Thank you for sharing your music and story smile It sounds like such an impactful and memorable time, connecting with old friends is the best. This is a lovely and uplifting piece of music.

Friends (especially old ones) are the best and become even more rare and valuable as we get older.  It's great to savor the times we can share with them.  I think they allow us to fully be ourselves and they bring something out in us we can't bring out on our own.  I've lost touch with most of mine over the years, but on the rare occasion I get to meet up with some, it's always a blast.  I sense a little bit of that in the track here.  While it's still pretty chill and relaxing, I can feel an upbeat positivity to it as well.

Every other comment I make on weekly lately gets lost to limbo. And I feel like my tone changes when I have to write it out again and remember what I wrote.

This is a lovely noodle, and I kinda just like saying those words. I'm delighted by these Reznor-esque notes and progressions that sneak in around the 1 and 2 minute marks, they're a little All That Could Have Been with a little more blues and twang and nostalgia. Really beautiful.

Great noodle for the week (I do really like your spaced out ambient stuff, but nice to change it up).  Great story, I enjoyed reading it, cool that you got to have that experience with your friends.  I met up with some friends this weekend from Elementary school, once we get together it’s just like old times, spent the evening watching the best clips from old action movies and then finished with lots of trash talking playing 4 player Bomberman.

Great noodle, perfect as is, hope you are safe from the weather.

Reading your post makes me so happy. I'm glad you got some quality time with such dear and valuable friends. I think that some of that uplifting yet kind of nostalgic "the past was so great, too bad it's not today" energy got perfectly translated into this noodle.
Wishing you more opportunities for excursions from hermit-dom to hang out with dear old friends.
Oh, and also hoping you and your family find a way to deal with the hurricane!!! Please be safe out there!!!! We need more of your pianoodles here on WB!!!

What a beautiful tune and story. heart Sounds like a wonderful group of friends. This piece felt like the perfect soundtrack for the memories you’re describing!

well all of this really lifted my spirits, in addition to us also (gasp) leaving the house and seeing some old friends this evening as well. loved reading about your week, loved listening to your track several times (it really sounds like you, and while i also love Wizard in Space - this grounded straight up piece feels extra good right now).
and i also really enjoyed reading everyone's comments here.
it's easy to get freaked out/ depressed/ scared/ etc with the state of things these days. sure is nice to find a place like this with some incredibly kind, supportive, and creative souls.

hope things don't get too hairy down your way, thinking of all y'all   heart

goooosh love the change up at 1:23, so much emotion. Your playing is magical. Gotta make room for friends and hold them close. A pep talk I have to give myself because I'm sometimes a hermit.

Working the kitchen and service is brutal but it's also great for getting know people. Screaming "Behind, CORNER, BEHIND BEHIND," is ingrained in my soul to this day tongue

I loved and hated my time doing it (I wasn't quite so lucky with my new bosses down the line). Never regretted that time though.  Great story and lovely track.

The music is a perfect backdrop to words. It makes the words jump from the page as I can really picture these events that shape our lives. It is so often that this crazy journey we are all on in very unique and individual ways had such a lasting impact. This track really embraces and amplified that, truly lovely.

At least to my ears, this track opens like a goodbye then switches to a happy memory like the story that goes along with it.  Having worked in a kitchen myself I am always amazed at how people can cook in those vans - a special breed indeed.  Sounds like a wonderful time you had.

Nice tasty noodles, as always, and was a good soundrack while reading your description. Great story. The song gives a nostalgia to the memories, the calm music a juxtaposition to image of you running around the truck like crazy, but the music shows that its the past and a good memory. Good friends like that are wonderful. I get the how that job was both so hard and rewarding, what a time! I have worked in many kitchens when I was younger, but never a truck, sounds even harder!

I hope you are ok after the storm! Will be looking back here for an update and hopefully a song!

Hope the hurricane spared you, your family and friends. I dig the lofi noodle, and with the food truck back story it's quite touching!

I love this story and as usual, beautiful and haunting piano. This made me want to contact some old pals I haven't heard from in a while. Thank you for that.

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