Spiral Waves of Fibrillation
By Tone Matrix on October 13, 2024 2:50 pm
This was a weird week for making music. As usual I put everything off til Saturday morning. Only problem was I had the genius idea to try and update Ableton to 12.1 whilst also trying to get out the door Friday night for a teensy bit of so-socializing. So in my haste I accidentally quit the plugin-approval thing it does before an install. So when I went to open it later thinking it was updated it kept freezing/crashing. At first the midi wouldn't work, then it froze some more. Then my brain finally decided to thaw out as I realized "oooh mayhaps if I move the plugins out of the folder and back it will rescan them and bippity boppity"... So after about 2hours of aimless foul-mouthed troubleshooting I finally had it back up and updated. **insert_canned_cheers**
Then of course by then the notes emanating from my fingers sounded like a cat composing a score to a horror film. So I figured oook I'll nap it off. Nope.
Woke up with one of the strongest afibs I've had in awhile. (Three this week for those playing the home game). My personal way to describe what they feel like sometimes is how the intro to Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher" sounds. The afib beat is a bit more jazzy and off beat though. Otherwise I'd be rocking out if it was a signature Alex Van Halen beat. **shrugz**
Whilst in full afib I decided to try and distract myself and attempt to finish the track. I had at least the bass/chord structure down but needed to flesh it out a bit more. I've never tried to work on music like this but woah it was like trying to swim my way out of a damaged sinking sub. I couldn't quite catch my breath or the normal rhythm you usually hope for. The repeating arp line stuck around mainly because in my struggle to concentrate I kept trying other pads and such. My feet were jittery, my hands were schwetty. But fooling a bit with the fx of the arp kinda hypnotized me a bit into finishing the track. It definitely needs some volume/eq edits cuz all I focused on was getting a chunk of sound down. So if anything is shrilly or l0ud... "I-apo-lo-gize-a-trillion-times"
Thanks for stopping by and listening. I hope you all are well and avoiding the bad weathers. Miami narrowly missed 2 hurricanes in the past few weeks. Good Grief Charlie Brown!
PS. For shiz_n_gigglez: When I first realized the afib was back, I wanted to share what it felt like. So in my tiny brain I thought to myself "oooh consult YT for a vidjo link of Van Halen performing Hot For Teacher". I opened up YT, did not type a thang and somehow the 2nd thumbnail on the right was a dude doing a drum cover of H4T. So I guess I have bluetooth in my noggin or YT is a bit stalkerish.
Greyson Nekrutman on da drumz
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