Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Tone Matrix's music / Please Take Me With You

Please Take Me With You

By Tone Matrix on September 22, 2024 5:06 pm

i barely worked on anything this week.  hit 46 on thursday but feel like 76 physically.  without getting too dramatic or rambly, i'm a bit mentally and physically drained so i do apologize for the blahness.  i finally pushed myself to sit at the keys late friday night.  i think i actually recorded more hopeful ambiances through the week than worked on this track.  i've enjoyed my lil trip into space gazing with the epiano and outdoor ambiance because i really just haven't had the oomph to work on a full track with beats and multiple instruments.  Part of me wishes I could but right now all I can muster are these moody noodles with my nature frainds. thank you for listening and always stopping by heart

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happy belated, Wizard!
loving these epiano/ ambient pieces, just incredibly comforting and relaxing to listen to.
hope things start looking up for you, my friend.

ps: my crickets say hi to your crickets  smile

no apology necessary. This is a wonderful piece. Beautiful, calming. Love the background noise. Thanks for mustering the energy to share this great work. Take care and hope you start feeling more 46 than 76.

Agreed, no apologies required at all, I always look forward to a Tone Matrix Noodle, and this one does not disappoint.  I love how you have been incorporating ambient recordings into your tracks.  It's like listening to a daydream... so calming and welcoming.  This is like what I imagine the smell of a well remembered book would sound like. 

I'm probably using the wrong words, but the drift of the notes turned a lovely noodle into a track which slips between mood as the notes themself slip...if that makes any sense at all.  Less melancholy and more actual sadness maybe?  Beautiful piece of music regardless, the ambience really pulled me in. 

Happy 46, hope the trip to 47 is a little easier for you.

Nice peaceful Rhodes. I like the crickets - outdoor ambiances!

I am only 42 and I feel you! Wish you the best and that you'll get back on track with some good energy and that the physical health will be pretty good soon!

Take care, continue to sit a bit every week on the pianos! It is a great gift for us WBers.

Happy belated birthday! This is beautiful and serene, I feel my brain/heartbeat slowing right down. The crickets really worked overtime this week between this and jwh's track smile I'm always here for your moody noodles, but I share your feelings about the weeks when the oomph just isn't there. I do feel like this has its own kind of oomph to it though!

I think you could collect some of these recent noodles and ambience into a pretty dope sounds of nature album.  They've been peaceful and relaxing and this one is no exception.  Nonetheless, hope the blahs pass soon. 

Man, I'm such a huge fan of your chill quiet contemplative pieces like these. Great work here!
And happy belated birthday! And no need to apologize - that's 100% understandable. I'm still super happy you're able to find the energy to make these chiller songs.
Stay well, friend.

Coming to terms with my aging body has been a struggle at times. While my mind stays sharp I simply hurt all the time (another day seems to bring another new ache), forward is the only direction. Happy turn of the wheel. Love the field recordings, very hypnotic bed for the epiano to ride over.

Happy birthday tone matrix, with a delay. I am always pleased and soothed by your tracks. This epiano with fieldrecording minimalism you discovered the last weeks, is a really good invention. Beautiful and pure and calming. Thank you.

Happy belated birthday, TM. I could listen to your ep noodles all day long, my friend. They are so emotive and calming. I love the way you incorporate natural sounds like crickets and such into your tracks. Regarding age, I just turned 60 and am trying to slow down and enjoy life a bit more these days. Your music lately has been the perfect prescription for someone like me who is not in any rush. Thank you for that.  I mean it.

Like gazing up at the stars at night. Wondering about it all ... always good to hear a wonderous noodle from you! Happy bday! Hope things look up this week!

Previous atmospheric track. The tones are fragile and soar like soap bubbles. They get transported by the wind and we have to be careful not to pop them. I hope you'll get better, both physically and mentally. Take care of yourself!

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