How Very Little There Is Left Of Me
By Tone Matrix on October 27, 2024 4:22 pm
Hello there.
A few weeks ago (w.41) I recorded my track whilst experiencing an extra 'vibrant' afib episode. Normally I try to distract myself by going for a walk or doing some easy kitchen clean up etc. Sometimes though they can be a bit pesky and stick around longer than usual. But because I was pressed for time that week I forced myself to get something done. It was def a unique experience for me because it had me all jumpy in the legs and a bit twitchy on the knob turning and such. I figured with the results "ok cool another sleepy ambient track, h00ray". But I did not figure on it getting developed and turned into a powerful song that hits totally different now for me. Of course I'm talking about the stellar sounds of the traveling_weeklybeater himself,
Mr. jwh!
He did something really cool with my description of how I was feeling while making that track. With his excellent David Gilmour-esque guitar work and beautiful vocal harmonies I have my own extra motivational/inspirational song to listen to So if you haven't already hit play on this week's track go right on over to his page first and please enjoy and comment on his excellent version that turns my ambient track into a powerful and inspiring song
Now I'm not sure if the afib_gnomes in me heard what was going on but apparently they too enjoyed being the inspiration of this week because I had yet another episode while working on this weeks track Mayhaps I can form a symbiotic relationship ala Venom?
I do have relatively good news in addition to the awesome news that jwh brought. At my recent appointment it appears I finally know what has been causing all my chest/ribcage issues for the past few months. Once the imaging confirms it, Costochondritis has been idenitified where basically the cartilage that connects between the ribs and breastbone gets inflamed and just makes everything extra achey in that area. So until recently I was fearing the worst because my afibs have been occurring so much more often and combined with the chest/ribs it felt like something was internally wrong. The upside is it doesn't appear to be anything worse. The downside just that there is no timetable on when it will go away. Even though the afibs are still a work in progress for the cardiologist visits this at least gives me peace of mind to finally understand what has been going on with me. Soooo as I overshare way too often with you my wb_fraindz, I just wanted to say thank you to Josh and to all of you that regularly stop by to listen and say hai.
As I went into piano_noodle season and then transitioned into sagan_space_epiano season. I believe I am now entering the synth season. Forcing myself to start out using mainly one soft synth that I neglected using most of the year. U-he's Zebra and it's plethora of awesome sounds has def been inspiring me quickly and pretty randomly. I probably could have developed this a bit more with a few more sections but I think I enjoyed zoning out to the arps and wavy synths I stumbled across this week more than anything.
Thank you for reading my novella and thank you most of all for listening. I sometimes give myself anxiety about even opening this site. I can't explain it but even tho I don't reply to every single one of you please know that I appreciate you taking the time each week. If I ever miss a question it's not intentional. Feel free to pester me if I do miss one though
The extra good news was after finishing recording the main chunk of this week's track. The afib said "ok we're good thank you for the synths, bai" and left in a relatively quick fashion.
I hope you all have a relaxing week
-eric da afibbin hermit
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