By Tone Matrix on November 10, 2024 6:57 pm
Howdy frainds
Watching the news Tuesday night got me in a bit of a panic and bl@rghhhh I must admit.
There was a lot of sleeping this week. Or at least attempted sleep. I was a bit in the gl00m.
I couldn’t get myself near the keyboard til Saturday night. I had many meetings with the fridge. We became confidants.
But! But! i also listened to a lot of music.
These 3 were part of my morning walks this week.
They helped block out the giant trucks with angry flags that drove past.
But! But!
I definitely recommend checking out David Gilmour’s latest album and Wu-Lu’s EP as well.
David Gilmour - Between Two Points
I did manage to find a bit of a therapeutic session from just noodling about with the piano.
The backyard recording is from November 5th 9am. I pinched myself several times and instead ended up hanging out with the backyard kitties I like to hang with. Sitting at the table, petting purring kitties and listening to the rustle of the palms in the wind made it feel like a normal day. Of course the beginning of the recording had way too much landscaping weed whackin sfx and the end ironically had some sirens in the distance. Echoing my thoughts a bit through that the piano felt good. So this noodle is a mixed attempt noodle in that I took breaks in between a 4hrish sesh and smeared something onto the keys hoping for the best. There were a lot of undos and space bar smacks as well
Thank you for reading my novellas and thank you for listening and commenting. This community has always been awesome and supportive through times like these.
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