Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / SQF's music / Omega Rain W32

Omega Rain W32

By SQF on August 11, 2024 4:55 pm

Really happy with how this one turned out!

I like the shift in feeling when the underlying bass melody changes around the 1 min mark to give a whole new feel to the pluck loop that begins the song.

It's easy to be overly critical but I do think the transition around 2:00 could be a little better. It feels a bit abrupt but I also didn't stress over it too much.

The song really comes together around 2:40 with a call and response section that I love more every time I hear it and continues to build nicely through to the end. Kind of makes up for any awkwardness from earlier transition.

Let me know what you think!

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That bass is so nice a g-g-grrrooowwwwwwly! The screamy lead fits in nicely with the sound palette as well. Nice groove!

that_ranjit wrote:

That bass is so nice a g-g-grrrooowwwwwwly! The screamy lead fits in nicely with the sound palette as well. Nice groove!

Thanks maaaaan!

Duuuude you're working magic here, this sounds greeeat!!! I especially love the first minute or so, feels extra groovy/swingy. Srsly, I'm very envious of your musical skills here. One week for this? Amazing!!!!

jegasus wrote:

Duuuude you're working magic here, this sounds greeeat!!! I especially love the first minute or so, feels extra groovy/swingy. Srsly, I'm very envious of your musical skills here. One week for this? Amazing!!!!

I'm honored! Really appreciate this comment. I'm just trying to make music I'm happy with every week and continue to enjoy the process. Every time I feel myself slipping into the feeling that music making is a chore I end up just having fun and making something I'm proud of and for that I'm grateful.

such a cool track. great groove, and really nice sound choices 
i would be stoked to make something like this!

Paying special attention to the times you mentioned:

1 minute - I agree the entrance of that bass synth is a really nice addition that changes the feel of the track in a great way.

2:00 - The transition really didn't bother me at all.  I think it was actually effective having some sounds drop out.  Kind of gives it a feeling of dynamics and lets the track breathe a little before more stuff came in rather than having everything going all the time.

2:40 - Yeah that call and response thing is sweet.

Nice work!

Great arrangement. I think it builds up to a great ending, I like when sounds cutoff like that!

If this is too be the last rain ever, I can't complain. Don't worry about the transition, it's fine.
- Spider

Really enjoy this groove, the drums and plucky melody are so bouncy and energetic. Super cool how the bass and different synth parts really change the feeling throughout.

The processing on the plucky melodic voice is dope.  Oh and that like Juno sound that comes in almost like reinforcing the pluck delays (eg. 0:44)... very nice touch.  Great layering throughout too... very nice track. 

Excellent variety of sounds from that slick bendy bass synth to the higher arpish melody.  Drums give it a good groove immediately and had me nodding along.  Very fitting name and this could easily fit in a game i've been playing called Katana Zero.  So many cool nuances in all the different sounds used for that melody.  Oooh the lead at 2:45 hell yais.  A dark track with feels of hope on the horizon.  Nice work!

jwh wrote:

such a cool track. great groove, and really nice sound choices 
i would be stoked to make something like this!

Amazing, because I'd be stoked to make any JWH track!

Cosmic Cairns wrote:

Paying special attention to the times you mentioned:

1 minute - I agree the entrance of that bass synth is a really nice addition that changes the feel of the track in a great way.

2:00 - The transition really didn't bother me at all.  I think it was actually effective having some sounds drop out.  Kind of gives it a feeling of dynamics and lets the track breathe a little before more stuff came in rather than having everything going all the time.

2:40 - Yeah that call and response thing is sweet.

Nice work!

Whoa appreciate the breakdown! Seems like I was overthinking that transition, and i'm glad I didn't spend too much time trying to "fix" it.

xavier marques wrote:

Great arrangement. I think it builds up to a great ending, I like when sounds cutoff like that!

Hell yeah thanks!

Devieus wrote:

If this is too be the last rain ever, I can't complain. Don't worry about the transition, it's fine.
- Spider

Spider, thanks as always, such a prolific commenter.

Cursory wrote:

Really enjoy this groove, the drums and plucky melody are so bouncy and energetic. Super cool how the bass and different synth parts really change the feeling throughout.

Thanks! Always fun to see where an idea takes you.

Napear wrote:

The processing on the plucky melodic voice is dope.  Oh and that like Juno sound that comes in almost like reinforcing the pluck delays (eg. 0:44)... very nice touch.  Great layering throughout too... very nice track.

Thanks! I think I'm getting better at the layering. M8 software now includes track level EQ which has been helping, so nice to eq as you build layers.

Tone Matrix wrote:

Excellent variety of sounds from that slick bendy bass synth to the higher arpish melody.  Drums give it a good groove immediately and had me nodding along.  Very fitting name and this could easily fit in a game i've been playing called Katana Zero.  So many cool nuances in all the different sounds used for that melody.  Oooh the lead at 2:45 hell yais.  A dark track with feels of hope on the horizon.  Nice work!

Awesome! Love to hear when a song fits in with a game. Yeah, it def came out dark yet hopeful! Thanks for listening and commenting!

fav'd it, good work!

george bowles wrote:

fav'd it, good work!

Always glad to hear about a fave, thanks George!

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