Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / rplktr's music / The Artifact

The Artifact

By rplktr on September 13, 2024 10:32 pm

hear the sound of one hand


I welcome all critical feedback. Can relicense if needed, just ask.

I'm a big fan of Stafford Bawler's and Obfusc's soundtrack to the game "Monument Valley". This week's beat is a tribute to those wonderful musicians and their stellar job that not only made a good game great, but which also has lasting impact musically on me and I'm sure many others.

And I'm hearing the third installment of "Monument Valley" is coming in December! Wonderful.

The cover art is a photo I took of a synthesizer module (a "tone generator" in Yamaha parlance) from the late '80s called TQ5. It's powered by the same YM2414 OPZ chip as the Yamaha DX11 and TX81Z. I managed to get it after a long search. It's properly weird, the sounds and the UI are properly dated, but it's got its early FM charm. All sounds you hear in today's tune come from the TQ5, including the percussion.


4/4, 120 BPM, C-major. Yamaha TQ5 presets used: 25 FloatChime, 65 SynBass 4, 22 SoftCloud, 47 Celeste, 30 Fog, 08 E.Piano 1. Percussion sounds also TQ5: 92 PoundWood, 84 Triangle, 83 Castanet. Some reverbs and delays straight from TQ5, others Ableton Live. Stereo imaging in Ableton Live.

Beautiful track, I like the space, it really feels wide - open.

I wouldn't have guess that it was all "fm" synthesis sounds there. Well played.

I really like the big "drums" percussive element. Super cool with the big reverb, the airy melodies on top works super.

Cool to read the inspo for this one.

I dig that pulsing synth, really brings a kinda movement and gentle tension to the piece which brings it to life. The details with the clinks give it nice texture.

+1 on the big drums. They are big!

Nice work!

that TQ5 sounds amazing in your hands, really nice work!

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