Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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By RajaTheResidentAlien on July 23, 2022 2:44 am

all sounds here made with my mouth big_smile
i recorded many individual takes of various beat-boxes and other voice-stuff to edit and layer this song together... i used my AKG414 (XLII) ..and i also held two socks over my mouth to keep the wind-blast down(the AKG is a more expensive mic, and I have a stereo pair, so I didn’t want to beatbox directly into the diaphragm in order to save it from the stress.. normally for beatboxing i'd probably prefer directly into my SM57..)..
..some of the beatbox sounds are recorded on the omnidirectional setting, some on the figure-8, some on the cardioid pattern, and the main vocals(near the end with the lyrics:
"I can't find the right mindset
Until I get my heart set right." (in variations of that wording(have ya noticed how much i love embedding parenthetical statements? (indeed lol)) ) ) are done on the hyper-cardioid setting of the AKG414...
..the extra-bassy beatbox(that starts it all off) has an extrasharp Q and slope on high-shelf filters which are set for attenuation(FabFilter EQ3), and since the cutoff is around 120-180Hz(i automated a few changes in that range), it resonates with extra bass there more than what was in the original recording. i still wonder, tho, if the bass is too heavy in this(lemme know if it doesn't sit right with you)
also, the effects (aside from FabFilter reverb, compressor, eq, and limiter), are the standard Logic phaser and chorus plugins, they add that weird growl on the bassy voice near the very end - also a little bit interspersed into the 'pow-now-chikatow-tow' guitar-like voice - yes: that's my voice sounding very prepubescent, even though by physical age, i think they'd call me a 'middle-aged' person lol). and finally, a little extra ValhallaRoom reverb over the main voice.

oh! and in case you're like me and wonder how bad the mic smells after beatboxing, i flossed and brushed my teeth then rinsed with Listerine before recording anything, so my mic, and the two socks i held over my face,
all smell winterfresh! lol big_smile
(released into public domain with CC0)
Hope it puts a smile on your face, 'break it down!' heart

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC0 Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain)

Raja you ALWAYS put a smile on my face heart

This is great work. I admire folks with voice.

incredible good work on the mic. like it.

Wow, this is really cool.  Some really impressive beatboxing skills on display here.  Not to mention the human voice is a really amazing and versatile instrument and this is an excellent display of that fact.

license wrote:

Raja you ALWAYS put a smile on my face <3

One of my favorite things to do! heart

Cauldron of Bats wrote:

This is great work. I admire folks with voice.

Thank you so much, i appreciate it heart

Q-Rosh wrote:

incredible good work on the mic. like it.

Thank You! heart

CosmicCairns wrote:

Wow, this is really cool.  Some really impressive beatboxing skills on display here.  Not to mention the human voice is a really amazing and versatile instrument and this is an excellent display of that fact.

So grateful you appreciated the versatility here, haha, it was fun coaxing all these sounds from me. Such a strange thing the voice: always sounds different played back to the person whose voice it is, makes me worry i might not have any objective way of hearing it, but then to hear others find it versatile and fun, is such a great relief and even boosts confidence to try some more. Thank You For That! heart

Holy this is incredible!  This is beyond creative.

pew pew. I loled.

jimmac wrote:

pew pew. I loled.

my favorite bit smile

Fresh beats from a fresh mouth
- Ebrit

That's a really fun one to listen to!

Funky singing!

The permutation of the lyrics, and the “guitar” — very strong, the ending in particular owns. (Kudos on the form here.)

Dig it! Pew pew kills it. Great idea and execution. Smile on my face. Good lyric, agreed!

Love it. Fun stuff. smile

Good god this is amazing. Some sort of a capella performance has been on my list of WB challenges. Great job!

Hah, nice one!  The beatboxing and other sounds have reminded me of some Mike Patton album I've long forgotten about where he did some beatboxing??  Maybe my brain has made that up.  Hehe.

Fun track!

mzunguko wrote:

J Sangha wrote:

Holy this is incredible!  This is beyond creative.

jimmac wrote:

pew pew. I loled.

emily wrote:
jimmac wrote:

pew pew. I loled.

my favorite bit smile

Devieus wrote:

Fresh beats from a fresh mouth
- Ebrit

djippy wrote:

That's a really fun one to listen to!
Funky singing!

ilzxc wrote:

The permutation of the lyrics, and the “guitar” — very strong, the ending in particular owns. (Kudos on the form here.)

miraclemiles wrote:

Dig it! Pew pew kills it. Great idea and execution. Smile on my face. Good lyric, agreed!

levelcapybara wrote:

Love it. Fun stuff. smile

blighters_rock wrote:

Good god this is amazing. Some sort of a capella performance has been on my list of WB challenges. Great job!

rdomain wrote:

Hah, nice one!  The beatboxing and other sounds have reminded me of some Mike Patton album I've long forgotten about where he did some beatboxing??  Maybe my brain has made that up.  Hehe.
Fun track!

Ipaghost wrote:

WOOOOT! HOLLA! Big UPz to ALL y'all: my holmies of the weeklybeats 'pew pew crew'!
Two Pews One Love heart

hahaha this is fantastic. Now you need to make a samples package and sell it on splice!

this was fun and I loved BREAKITDOWNNNNNN


Kedbreak136 wrote:

hahaha this is fantastic. Now you need to make a samples package and sell it on splice!

Haha, Thank You! (i've never thought about selling samples, maybe i'll look into it big_smile thanks again!)

orangedrink wrote:

this was fun and I loved BREAKITDOWNNNNNN

Haha, Thank You So Much! Truly appreciated all the comments and was excited for you to check this one out, so grateful! heart heart

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