Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Q-Rosh's music / weekly beats

weekly beats

By Q-Rosh on June 16, 2024 1:31 pm

Now I am charing my bedroom with the Alesis DM10 edrumset, the Pianet N, the 60ies MEAZZI ULTRASONIC SPECIAL TUBE AMP , the Jazzmaster, some classic Boss pedaleffects, the SP404, a nice Hifi Stereo setup and the Wilcox-Gay recordio. I made a weekly beatsong before going to sleep with 7 different beats and no synchronicty to the grid, beause there was none. My monitorspeakers KRK Rockit6 have a low volume problem on the left side, so I had hustle with the mixing and mastering and no success repairing them. The week was crazy, so is the music. another pre-version is available from Wilcox-RaW-CATs on polycarbonate, here on WB this week.

The different beats create a cool disorienting effect and I like the racket it builds up to.  The final minute or so in particular is some really great noise.

that jazzmaster sounds so dreamy - great tone

amazing, love how all these beats and sounds drift into and bounce off each other. the textures and ambience really work for me.

really love the beats, great groove, and that tube amp sounds amazing!

It feels like you're grabbing different records while in space and sampling each of them with 2 hands, while another 2 hands play the lovely jazzmaster lines.  a journey through a wall of sound fo sho!

Tone Matrix wrote:

It feels like you're grabbing different records while in space and sampling each of them with 2 hands, while another 2 hands play the lovely jazzmaster lines.  a journey through a wall of sound fo sho!

yes, yes, yes
that’s it, how I wanted it to sound like.
It must have been the Ganesh in me who did that trick. Thanks

emily wrote:

that jazzmaster sounds so dreamy - great tone

^ agreed! also, had never heard of that Italian amp. wow!
*emily - may need to add it to the gear wish list  big_smile

Q-Rosh - this was a wild but very enjoyable ride. hope this week is a little calmer for you!

This song makes for an interesting background track while walking through the city. There also happened to be three different street musicians all playing different exotic string instruments, and those melodies mixed nicely with this big_smile

I used to go to jam parties in the remote areas of Tokyo. Small concert places that can host about 30 people, and where people take the stage for crazy jams, improvisations. Meetings of free jazz saxophon dueling with a guy with 30 different guitar pedals plugged into a mic capturing the sound of a scissor cutting flowers in an ikebana performance. This track reminded me of these jam sessions. Organic, alive. I like that things were not aligned to a grid. It is alive. Thank you for this track and I hope next week will be more peaceful.

Love those crunchy main beats (ekit?) and the various splashes of cymbals that scatter everywhere.  Love the crazy guitar work at the end too.  I think it's fun playing off the grid.  It can give it an organic quality.

some lovely chaos here, yet nicely tied together. how do you like the pianet? i like their sound but the touch/feel is a bit strange. the tone is perfect in that opening section, nice mix. cheers

i love these experiments and the drums are sounding great!

As others have said, I love how alive and organic this sounds. The guitar is definitely a highlight but every part adds such texture smile such an enjoyable mood. Really like the different laid-back drum beats and how they come and go throughout.

Crazy jam! Awesome!

A very real representation of what it's like.
- Devieus

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