By onezero on August 25, 2024 10:29 pm
This week's track comes on the end of a week's vacation, so this one had a late Friday tracking session, a Saturday evening session with quick arrangement, and...a couple hours of editing on Sunday.
My thought was to pursue a very-tenuously-held-together piece, something on the edge of falling apart, or falling into silence. So there are a lot of gaps and pauses, with phrases of varying length. To shake myself up a bit, this is in 5/4 (like the piece a couple weeks ago), though slower and cleaner (unlike that piece). Little almost-a-groove sections emerge, and evaporate. The process of playing it was often feeling the next note, chord, or interval about to arrive at the 5th beat, and then waiting a beat before playing it. Sometimes I'd pay attention to the click, and sometimes go with a more intuitive approach.
After uploading, I realized there were two things I wanted to fix, so I reproduced one two-note sequence a few seconds later, and removed one interval that didn't work so well in context. This current version is the corrected one.
Three tracks of PureSalem Mendiola, no inline effects, some convolution reverb, and compression/eq on the mix.
The title comes from Hartford's River Weaver, which runs under the A556.
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