Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / neon liminal's music / the chase (every cosmos)

the chase (every cosmos)

By neon liminal on September 15, 2024 4:20 am

Techno! M8 techno. No vocals this week lol.

Last weeks of september promise to be a busy, special kind of hell, and I'm away for most of next week barring dog emergencies, so submissions might be less-effort-than-usual maybe.

For the curious, this was entirely arranged on the M8 and mostly mixed there. I did a little bit of compression once I got the stems into Ableton but that's about it. Used Heavyocity Punish to add a little bit of saturation and dirt just before the Ozone master.

I've been trying to find "my" techno sound; I know part of it is an homage to the old 909 drums, obviously 303 acid is a big component too. Cinematic is bringing some dramatic samples, and I seem to be heading towards 'techno wall of sound" with some drones and bass that is a bit unhinged and messy. I like the drums here, but I prefer the percussion on "the metal tide" - it was dirtier, had a bit of an industrial feel, and I think that's another direction I wanna push.

I have a full-blown Lyra8 techno sketch going that kinda meets all these criteria but not sure if it's gonna be a go for this coming week given I'm out of town for most of the week but these are fun experiments.

And ...  Starry Night Cowboy continues to develop, and the album - Autumn on Ganymede - aiming to be ready by November. I only get so much time at a PC each week and if that time is working on WB tracks - and not album work - well it slows things down.

Gosh I'm tired.

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)

this track just crackles with LIFE.
no matter what mode you are operating in, you always tell a story.
and with so much clarity and emotion.
like, that took me on a journey. i have left my body

holy CARPS that changeup   yikes



hope the week goes ok. good vibes to you and the dogs.
*this track tho!*

jwh wrote:

100% what he said. Gritty techno? Ye gods, sign me the F up. The "wall of sound" you have going here is amazing. It absolutely crackles.

I particularly love the structure you have going in this track. It's like, episodic, with chapters. Cinematic techno.

Favorite aspect:

Transition - ENERGY UP
Transition - ENERGY UP
Transition - ENERGY UP

But yet staying in control. It was beautifully frenetic by the time it got to 4:50. Amazing. Yet another fave.

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