Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Napear's music / Glass Threads

Glass Threads

By Napear on September 22, 2024 11:24 pm

Ahoy hoy, so I survived getting my school work finished and submitted on time (barely) _(´-`」 ∠)_, but I'm still in the thick of "off-boarding" from my current job, and am still playing catch up on Weeklybeats stuff.  It's amazing how much time it takes just to explain to people you work with, what you're responsible for, and what they will have to care about when you leave... BUT... next week starts a full month of sabbatical time, and I will be focusing on music making full-time (for a few weeks anyway). So I'm looking forward to catching up on listening, commenting, and getting stuck into some colabs that have been on the back burner for a while. 

As for this week's track, I stumbled upon a Polyend Tracker Mini second hand for a pretty good deal, and figured I would give it a try.  I'm delighted to say that it fit right into my workflow, and is very likely going to become my go to like daily driver mobile groove box.  Don't get me wrong, I love my Deluge, but it's just not as conducive to quick "lunch hour" type music making. 

At any rate this track was made pretty much entirely on the Tracker Mini.  I did some mixing and mastering in Logic, but all the sounds (and most of the effects) are from the Tracker.  In fact I think the risers are the only samples that aren't stock.  The plucky sounds are the WTFM synth engine, and the bass is layered VAP synth engine and a sub-bass sample.  All the drums an percs are from various included sample packs. I think it turned out pretty good for my first track with the device.  And, I'm super impressed with the workflow, it seems heavily inspired by Renoise, and the learning curve was shockingly low for a tracker.  I'm looking forward to really getting to know the device over the next few weeks. 

As always thanks for listening, and I promise, I will catch up on listening and commenting next week (*^ ‿ <*)♡

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Oh hell yeah, what a snag! Welcome to the portable tracker club wink this track is so vibey, chill, and groovy at the same time. Love the stereo ponging percs!

homestretch! excited for you to have a little sabbatical, that sounds LOVELY.
glad to hear you jived with your new tracker friend, and also glad to HEAR it
such a fun and great sounding track   o(〃^▽^〃)o

Sounds awesome! I've been a bit curious about the polyend mini, so it's cool to hear someone I know making music on it so I know how it translates using a style I'm familiar with smile

The upcoming time off sounds nice and it's going to be relieving to be rid of all those old responsibilities,  I'm sure.

Well damn, if this didn't hit me right in the nostalgia.  The clap for sure, but something really pulled on my strings with this track.  A really chill track and super clean, very nice work indeed.  The Tracker Mini looks like a lot of fun

HELL YES!!! This is SOOO up my alley, I love this!!! The high pitched reverb soaked dreamy synth is hypnotic here, it's so good.
Also, happy to hear someone else is on the tracker train, hahahaha... I don't have a PETMini, instead I have its long lost step cousin, the M8. These little portable things are such a great way to increase your music making time. Like, just chilling out on your sofa at the end of the day, you can grab it for a few minutes and it doesn't take ANY setup. Just boot them up and GO.
Anyways, great job on the track! I'm really impressed that the first thing you threw together sounds this awesome!!! Seems like the workflow really suits you.
I'm super looking forward to what else you make with the PETMini!!!!

Very nice 👍

Great melodies which work even better with the rhythmic delay. Excellent work--it sounds like a door opening!

This is really nice to just put up and take it easy.
- Raioh

Love this vibe. Kind of makes me think of some 90s IDM which is dear to my heart. Really great sounds and melodies - especially like the piano-ish lead. The mix as a whole sounds great- spacious and full. Congrats on your mini sabbatical, hope you enjoy it!

Welcome to tracker land! Or rather mini tracker type land where suddenly you discover all kinds of random moments and time through the day in which to make music. It's great. This track is also great! Loved the low-mid mellow tones moving around the stereo space, really chill and delicious ear candy heart

This is really nice, I have stayed away from polyend only because I have so many sequencers, but they do look like a solid project. I just got some new key caps for my m8 (cause I broke one) and just haven't had the chance to repair it. Enjoy the tracker they are a joy to mess with.

WOW. You do a lot of things simultaneously. The production of this track with your new device is top notch. It has the 90ies electronic charme of Autechre music. Very good and pleasant to listen to.

Ochre vibes in this. Quite a trip in the stereo field. Lovely.

oooh, delicious swirling leads, love that plucky sound, gives my head good buzzyfeelings. Wow, can feel that kick and bass, sounds great. Nice one. I played with the full size polyend tracker for a while, never really got into flow so let it go.
Cool you get to have some full time music weeks coming up! Some nice tracks to come I'm sure!

Sounds great. I'm team M8 but polyend curious for sure. Love the delay on the melody parts. Nice work.

So I wasn’t sure what a Polyend Tracker Mini was, so I googled it.  When I saw it, it reminded me of the old Alesis MMT-8 MIDI sequencer I got back in the late 80s (before software DAWs were even a thing). It was my first introduction to multi-track MIDI recording.  I sill have it in the original box it came in.  Anyway, this track is so upbeat and chill at the same time. The kick and bass are solid and with just the right thump. Love the EP rhythms enveloped by some well-placed ambience.  Great bass outro.

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